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Chapter 16

"Have you got everything?" Scott asked Maddie as she sighed, turning around to her big brother

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"Have you got everything?" Scott asked Maddie as she sighed, turning around to her big brother. "Yep." She said, popping the p as her dad started to load her suitcases in the trunk.

Her mom ran out and grabbed her in her arms, crying softly in Maddie's hair. "It's going to be okay baby. Mommy will see you soon." She sniffled as Maddie breathed in the scent of her mom one last time. "I love you so much." Maddie said sadly, her mom pulling away from the hug. "Promise me you'll be safe?" She asked and Maddie nodded, her mom giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Maddie looked over at Scott, her sad eyes blending with Scott's. She huffed out and ran a hand through her hair. "You know," Maddie started as Scott chuckled, knowing where this was going to go. "I never thought I'd see the day where I would actually hug my big brother and say goodbye to him. You were always supposed to be doing this first." She stopped as a tear rolled down her face.

She ran up to Scott and jumped in his arms. "I'm going to miss you so much Scotty."

"I know, I'll miss you too. I always miss you."

"I love you. Promise me you'll never leave me behind?" She cried into the crook of his shoulder as he nodded, smiling as tears started to break through Scott. They pulled away and looked at each other in silence, letting Maddie had memorise everything about Scott.

He had done her proud. She loved Scott so much that it was hard to let him go, even if it was for three months. "Don't die, okay?" She pointed to Scott as he laughed quietly and nodded, looking down at his feet.

"I love you Scotty." Maddie whispered before letting go of Scott's hand that she was holding. "You ready to go?" Her dad smiled as she nodded, breathing in Beacon Hills one last time. "Wait Maddie!" Scott called out as she turned around. "Yeah?"

"I know you told me not to tell him, but I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye to him." Scott said as Maddie sighed, feeling a presence next to her. She turned to look to her side: Liam.

"Give me a second dad." She smiled at him as he nodded and went into the house with Scott. "Hey." She whispered as Liam's eyes started to water. "Are you really leaving?" He asked as they walked to the car, hopping onto the hood of it. "Yeah." Maddie looked down at the ground.

"Why weren't you going to tell me?"

Maddie sighed out loud and looked Liam dead in the eyes. "Because everything was going so well between us and I didn't want to ruin it and I know it's wrong not telling you because you were probably going to wonder where the hell I was but I just couldn't tell you. I knew you'd try and stop me and to be honest, I couldn't look at you in the eyes and tell you that I'm leaving."

Liam stopped Maddie from rambling by kissing her quickly but passionately as her hands dropped onto his chest. She pulled away and smiled. "It's only three months right?" Liam asked as she nodded. "Then I'll be waiting here. For you."

"Liam..." she trailed off as he shook his head. "No Mads. I'm going to wait for you until you get back and then we're going to go on a date and I'll ask you to be my girlfriend again and you'll say yes and we'll fight whatever comes our way together. Side by side."

Maddie rolled her eyes and scoffed. "So, like a power couple?" she said dramatically as Liam and her burst into laughter. When it died down she jumped off the hood and took Liam's hands. "I never really got a chance to say this but..." she trailed off and composed herself.

"I love you." Liam's eyes lit up immediately as he brought her in for another kiss. When they pulled away, their foreheads were touching and they were smiling down at each other. "I love you too." He whispered.

Scott and her dad came out along with her mom once Liam and Maddie had pulled apart. "Ready?" Maddie's dad came up to her, side hugging her and putting the last of her stuff in the trunk.

She sighed out and looked over at Scott and her mom who were holding eachother up. "I love you all." She smiled and hugged Liam tightly once more before walking up to the car, giving all of them one last look over the roof before sliding into the car.

They all watched as it rolled out of the driveway and onto the road, disappearing into the distance.

A/N okay so this chapter is short but I didn't know what else to add.

Stiles and the rest didn't know about Maddie leaving and I wanted to keep them out of it.

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