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Chapter 13

"Hey, sorry I'm back so late

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"Hey, sorry I'm back so late. I was closing up at the animal clinic. I got more hours to earn a little extra-" Scott turned around and saw Maddie and their mom, both of their arms crossed with the duffel bag full of money on the table.

"-Money?" Melissa asked and raised an eyebrow at her son who gulped and nodded. He looked over at Maddie who just shrugged. "Don't look at me, I didn't tell her." She sat on a stool as their mum stared at the both of them.

"You know and you didn't think to tell me?" She asked Maddie who shook her head. "It wasn't my secret to tell, I wasn't even supposed to find out about it in the first place but then I walked in on Scott and Stiles counting-"

"-Stiles knows too?" Melissa hissed as Scott kicked the stool Maddie was sitting on to make her shut up. "How much more did you need?" Melissa asked as Scott chuckled nervously. "This is payment from the deadpool, I found it in Garrett's locker."

"This belongs to Derek? So, you're just keeping it safe for him in a gym bag underneath your bed?" Melissa sighed and looked down at the money. "How long have you had this here?"

Maddie scoffed and looked up at Scott. "Too long." She rolled her eyes as Scott glared at her. "What? It's true."

"You know you have to give it back..." Melissa trailed off, staring at all of the money in front of her. "I was going to." Scott shrugged and Melissa crosses her arms again. "Do I want to know why you haven't?"

"Because of you." Maddie smiled sadly as Scott squeezed her shoulder. "Me? You mean because we've been struggling a little?"

"Yeah, we hear those phone calls mom. They're bad, really bad." Maddie said. "Mom, we're struggling a lot." Scott sighed making Melissa look down at her shoes. "Scott, you can save people's lives but you can't save them from life. Life is full of struggle."

"But it doesn't have to be." Scott pushed but Melissa had already made her mind up. "Honey..." Melissa trailed off as Scott grabbed a stack of money and held it up. "Do you know what just one of these can do? This gets us a new roof and this pays for Stiles's MRI..." Scott grabbed another stack, presenting what each of them could do. "This pays for Eichen house and this one means you don't have to work the double shift at the hospital and come home totally exhausted." Melissa nodded and grabbed a stack.

"What about this one?" She chucked it to Scott which made Maddie grab it straight away and examine it. "Oh my god." She whispered as she saw the dried blood on the paper.

"I'm going to bed, this is way too much for me." Maddie grumbled and chucked the bloody stack of money to Scott before slipping off the stool and walking upstairs to her room. "Night Mads!" Melissa and Scott called out as Maddie hummed loudly in response.

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