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Chapter 10

"Is three enough?" Kira asked as she stared down at the computers

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"Is three enough?" Kira asked as she stared down at the computers. "Well we don't have any other computers since we're poor." Maddie groaned from the other side of the room. The group turned to look at her worriedly as she shrugged. "What? I'm just saying it as it is."

"Yeah, you tend to say it as it is a lot these days." Stiles sighed and looked back down at the computers. "Are we really doing this?" Lydia asked and Scott nodded, walking up to them. He pointed at Liam and then to Maddie but Liam just shrugged as Scott nodded. "We're doing this. Tonight." Scott said, looking at all of his pack that were huddled around the table.

"But isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam asked nervously as Stiles scoffed. "Oh it's incredibly dangerous, not to mention borderline idiotic."

"Right, but, have you guys done something like this before?" Liam butted in with another question. Maddie groaned and stood up, pushing the chair in place with anger and storming to the table. "Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?" She turned to Kira, completely ignoring Liam's existence. "I think it's a yes to both." Kira nodded at Liam who just looked away to Scott.

"You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to. That goes for you too Mads." Scott nodded at the two freshmen. "I'm not scared." Liam stated as Maddie rolled her eyes, leaning down to look at the cameras on the computer. "Then you're borderline idiotic. If we do this we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?" Stiles peered at the group, his eyes lingering on Scott.

"How do we even know something's definitely coming?" Kira mumbled and Scott and Maddie looked at each other, knowing they had to explain it all over again. "Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation is required." Scott started.

"Simon said the same thing. He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." Stiles butted in. "So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send proof?" Maddie smirked at the group, avoiding eyes with Liam who was staring at her as usual.

"You don't get paid." Kira shrugged, clearly not catching on. "But how does that get us any closer to the benefactor?" Liam went over to where Maddie was standing and sat in a chair. He was just in front of Kenzie but it was enough for her to smell that sweet vanilla scent. She groaned and walked over to where Liam was standing before which was on the other side of Stiles.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead." Scott informed them. "He? Who told you it's a he? It could be a girl!" Maddie banged her fists against the table, so much for equality. "Especially if it's someone high on the list." Stiles said, ignoring the blonde 14 year old.

"So if he wants visual confirmation..." Liam trailed off, catching up quickly. "He's going to have to come get it himself. Or she." Scott quickly added in, looking over at Maddie who was smiling happily at his explanation.

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