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Chapter 11

"It's not just that she could still be alive

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"It's not just that she could still be alive." Stiles pointed to Maddie and Liam. "It's that she would've had to fake her death." Maddie added in and Stiles nodded. "Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" The sheriff scoffed and pointed to Lydia and Stiles nodded. "Definitely." He said but Lydia shook her head.

"Maybe." She yawned, looking at Stiles. "More than likely, yes." Stiles nodded at Lydia who rolled her eyes. "And I'm guessing you have a story to back this up?" Sheriff raised an eyebrow at Stiles as he stuttered. "She might be helping the benefactor." Lydia interrupted Stiles.

"Or is the benefactor." Scott sighed. Maddie looked over at Liam, she had decided to go back to ignoring him. It wasn't that she didn't like him, of course she liked him. She just didn't want to go against what she said which was that she was avoiding Liam. Just because Liam was apart of the pack now, didn't mean she had to be friends with him.

She blinked a couple of times before looking around the sheriff's office. Everybody had rushed out to look at a naked police officer leaning over a dead police officer. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." She muttered and ran out.

"I'm going to take him to Derek, see if he knows something." Scott said as the sheriff rolled his eyes, walking back to his office. "I'll come." Maddie shrugged as Scott, Lydia, Parrish and Maddie started to walk towards Lydia's car.

"He covered you in gasoline?" Derek said with his eyes wide. "It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead." Lydia smiled brightly, she loved when she was right. "Well, they should be gone." Derek nodded at Lydia who looked at Parrish.

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone!" He shrieked as Maddie jumped from the sudden rise of voices. "Not if you're like us." Maddie winced, all of this was making her anxious. She had fully healed from the berserker injury but it still hurt to think about it. What if they came back? Would they try and kill her this time?

"Like you?" Deputy Parrish looked up at Maddie as she nodded, rubbing her eyes. "I don't think he's like us." Derek ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Then what is he?" Lydia asked as he shrugged. "Sorry, but I have no idea."

Maddie groaned and crossed her arms. "Seriously? When we actually need you for something you claim that you don't know? Are you kidding me? What the frickity frack fracksickles are you on?"

"This is a little out of my experience Madison." He glared as she cringed at the sound of her full name. Scott pulled his sister away and kept her back so she wouldn't escape and start clawing Derek's eyes out.

"There might be something in the bestiary. Did you try Argent?" Derek turned to Scott who nodded. "I don't know where he is."

"Okay, hold on. What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not my first question. Just...just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?" Parrish interrupted their conversation as they realised that he was still sitting there.

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