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Chapter 4

"He got kicked out of devenford prep?" Scott asked and I nodded as we stopped by his locker

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"He got kicked out of devenford prep?" Scott asked and I nodded as we stopped by his locker. "Why?" Stiles interrupted. "I don't know I didn't want to sound like a stalker asking him about his life."

"So what did you do on the ride back?" Stiles glared and I rolled my eyes at him. "We just talked about Mason, his friend." I glared back and Stiles stepped back a bit. "Okay guys calm down. It's the lacrosse game tomorrow night and like it or not we need Liam. He's good Stiles, really good."

"Yeah or maybe we could plant peanut powder in his locker and then when he opens it he will get a reaction and then his face will swell up and he won't be able to play!" Me and Scott looked over at Stiles and then back at eachother with disgusted expressions. "Or maybe he could play, score a few points and Scott can get a scent off him. If he's something you can smell it, right?" I asked and Scott nodded.

We agreed on my plan and then split up since I had different classes to them. "I don't get why my plans never get chosen. Ever since miss bratty got turned she's the one that makes all the plans now." Stiles whispered to Scott. "You know she can still hear you Stiles?" Scott replied back as I felt their eyes eyeing me down. "Shit." Stiles cursed as I laughed and slipped into the classroom.

I sat down at the back of the class on one of the pods and got out my folders and papers that I needed for today's biology class. I had maintained good grades throughout elementary so it wasn't going to be any different now that I was in high school. Scott might've been failing last year but I encouraged him to do better, work harder.

"Alright everyone take your seats!" The teacher shouted, bringing me out of my thoughts. Liam rushed in and immediately took a seat next to me before this boy called Garrett could. "Sorry bro." Liam yawned. "It's alright." Garrett shrugged and took a seat next to Kayden.

"Look who's eager to start." I smirked at Liam as he got out his books. "Yeah, you could say that. So about the other night-"

"-Liam, have you got this down? It's important for the pop quiz you're going to have tomorrow." The teacher said and Liam got his pencil and started scribbling some words down. I snickered and got a glare from the teacher but started to write down the serums anyway.

Once the teacher stepped out for an important call, the whole class switched seats and started to talk to their friends. I was about to go over to Kayden when she shook her head at me and looked between me and Liam. "Talk to him." She mouthed and I shook my head. "I hate you." I mouthed back and looked over at Liam who was already looking at me.

"What are you looking at Dunbar?" I coughed out as his cheeks went a light pink. "Nothing." He quickly got out before the teacher came back and set equation examples on the board for us to do whilst she stepped out once again. Liam dropped his pencil on the table and turned to look at my sheet. "Do you get this?" I looked over at his and my eyes widened when I saw that the only thing he had actually written was a cartoon strip of a racing car.

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