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Chapter 3

"So you're saying that you spoke to him for half of the gym lesson and you only got his name?" Stiles gritted his teeth as he paced back and forth in Scott's room

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"So you're saying that you spoke to him for half of the gym lesson and you only got his name?" Stiles gritted his teeth as he paced back and forth in Scott's room. I shrugged and gave him a slight smile, nodding. "Well I'm sorry but I can't just walk up to someone and say oh hey, are you a supernatural being by any chance? Scott, a true alpha wants to know." I mimicked and turned to look at Scott who had his hands on his chin.

"Well yeah that would've given us so much more information about him than just his first name." Stiles fired back and groaned. "Alright, enough!" Scott cried out and looked at both of us. "You both saw how good he was on the field. Either he's a supernatural-"

"-or he's just that good, yeah we know." I finished and rolled my eyes, leaning back on Scott's pillow. "So then we need to work out what he's doing here and if he is something."

Me and Stiles nodded in agreement as a knock came from Scott's closed door. "Mom, we don't need anything!" Scott called out and threw his hands up, walking towards the door and opening it. "Kira." He said and opened the door wider so she could come in. "Hey, sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"

"Nope. Stiles is obsessing over a boy called Liam who is really good at lacrosse which makes Scott and Stiles jealous because according to them you can only be really good at lacrosse if you're supernatural or just that good." Kira stared at me and nodded slowly, taking a seat on Scott's bed next to me.

"Okay, so what are we going to do about Liam then?" Kira looked over at Scott who shrugged. "Oh come on oh mighty alpha! What's the plan?" I teased as he glared at me and shrugged once more before going back to his armchair and collapsing down in it. "I don't know okay? I don't know."

"Well Maddie could get some more information off of him. They could be friends, right?" Kira suggested and I immediately agreed to it. "Yeah I would be willing to put my normal teenage life aside and become friends with Liam." Scott raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled wide. "No, it's too dangerous."

"What? Are you kidding me? Scott, I've got this werewolf thing under control. I'm living the life, you feel me?" Stiles cringed and shook his head. "Never say that again. Scott, let's just give it a try. You saw how he acted in the changing rooms. He doesn't want anything to do with us."

"Yeah which means we have to try and warm up to him and what better way to do that by giving your little sister the role of his girlfriend?" Stiles said as I coughed loudly, clearing my throat and looking at Scott. "He's not going to be her boyfriend." Scott said through clenched teeth as I looked between the two of them.

"Okay! So it's settled. Tomorrow Maddie will keep an eye on Liam and find some more information about him." Kira smacked the bed and stood up. "Scott? Can you walk me out?" She suggested and Scott nodded. "Pretty sure you know where the door is Kira." I shrugged casually, making Scott give me his death stare.

A lot to learn |Liam Dunbar|Where stories live. Discover now