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Chapter 2

I stood in the doorway of Scott's bedroom, smiling down at him as he was too busy writing in his little notebook than pay attention to me

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I stood in the doorway of Scott's bedroom, smiling down at him as he was too busy writing in his little notebook than pay attention to me. I cleared my throat and raised my eyebrows when he didn't look up once. "Dear diary, I think that I might actually be losing it. I'm just so jealous of how amazing my sister Maddie is at self control that it's driving me crazy! She should've became a true alpha, not me. I don't deserve this position-"

"Okay enough!" Scott slammed his book shut and slid it in his bedside drawer. "You ready to go? First day back." I waved my maths exercise book in his face and skipped to his bed, taking a seat next to him.

"Are you sure you should go?" Scott asked me, his face completely serious. I nodded and smiled up at him. "Yep, you've seen me. I can do this self control thing now, I promise. I didn't kill you during the full moon." I shrugged as he nodded. "Yeah I guess that's true..."

"Yeah it is. Can we please go now?" He sighed but stood up anyway, grabbing his jacket as we both headed down to the kitchen. "Mom's at work again." I reminded him as we turned back around and headed down the corridor and out the front door.

"Just please try not to lash out at anyone. Okay?" I nodded at Scott as we both sat in the front of the car. "I promise." I said, lifting up my pinky finger. He raised a brow but joined my pinky with his. "Good cuz I'm not saving your ass again." I scoffed and turned to look out the window as Scott started to pull out of the driveway. "You know I would beat your ass if you weren't an alpha."

"That might be true but I am an alpha and that isn't going to change."

"It might when I kill you."

"Again with the death threats Mads. You're my sister, you're not going to kill me."

"You never know." I shrugged and smiled slyly, watching the scenery pass by me, a mixture of smudged colours. "I don't even know why you want to kill me." Scott carried the conversation on as I shrugged, glancing at him. "I don't know, I just think that it would be more fun living alone. I could tell my kids about the time where I killed a true alpha and got away with it."

"You're ridiculous." Scott scoffed and I nodded my head in total agreement. "Yeah but you love me for it."

Scott parked the car in the school lot and I slid out, my hands on my hips, breathing in the sweet air. It didn't take long before my senses kicked in and I could smell the deodorant and aftershave of boys, the rose petal sprays girls were wearing.

"I hate school." I sighed and Scott chuckled. "You're the one who wanted to come." He replied and I glared at him, walking to the entrances. As I walked in I immediately saw Stiles running up to me. "Hey, you seen Scott?"

"Stiles, he's my brother of course I've seen him." I rolled my eyes and pointed outside. "Thanks." He patted my shoulder and disappeared outside. I will never understand them two and their secret little gang.

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