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Chapter 14

"Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico okay?" Stiles begged his dad to let him tag along to Mexico with the rest of the group so they could save Kira and Scott who were kidnapped by Kate

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"Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico okay?" Stiles begged his dad to let him tag along to Mexico with the rest of the group so they could save Kira and Scott who were kidnapped by Kate.

"I think that's a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico if you ask me." Maddie shrugged and put down a picture of Scott and Stiles back on the sheriff's desk. "The best thing to do is to go through the proper channels." Sheriff said and Maddie and Stiles groaned.

"Sheriff-" Maddie tries but got cut off. "-That means calling the right law enforcement agencies, border patrol, putting on all-points..." Sheriff glanced at Stiles who was giving him a disappointed look. "Dad, I can't just wait around for the wheels of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different government offices, okay? Someone needs to go down there right now, find them, and rescue them! I'm going."

Maddie sat down in one of the chairs, amused by the conversation. "I can keep you from going." The sheriff simply stated. "I'd find a way." Stiles shrugged like he had done it before, which he had, many times.

"I can throw you in a cell." Sheriff crossed his arms. "I'd still find a way." Stiles reminded the sheriff as they both glanced at Maddie. "Look, how about we stay here and you call every law enforcement agency. If nothing or nobody turns up then we go. Deal?" Maddie bargained and the sheriff nodded his head. "Okay, fine." Stilinski sighed as Stiles looked over at Maddie wide-eyed.

"Great." Maddie smiled at the sheriff before pulling Stiles out of his office. "Why, why would you say that? We both know Scott's going to be dead by the time the stupid police force arrive in Mexico." Stiles said as a mater of factly. "Yeah, that's why we're going to Mexico. Right now." Maddie said mischievously.

Stiles stopped outside the sheriff's station and looked over at Maddie. "You're a sneaky one. I like it." Maddie rolled her eyes as Stiles and her ran off to his jeep.

Maddie, Stiles and Malia were at the McCall house, looking for anything that could trigger a scent so they could track Scott. Stiles threw a jacket from the closet to Maddie as she snuggled her nose into it. "Fabric softener." She stated as Stiles nodded, running around to find something else.

Stiles ran into the mini bathroom and pulled out Scott's underwear from the washing basket. Maddie raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "Remember Scott's life is on the line." Stiles reminded Maddie and Malia. Maddie looked over at Malia and tilted her head in the direction of the underwear. "Go on Malia, you can do it."

"No way! Why me?" Malia scrunched up her nose as Maddie sighed, looking around the room for anything that hadn't been washed. She walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow, sniffing it. "I got it." She said and threw the pillow to Malia as she walked out of the room.

"Yeah, that works too." Stiles shrugged as Malia and Stiles scrambled towards the door. Maddie reaches the bottom of the stairs and immediately bumped into something causing her to stumble and fall. "Liam?" She said in surprise. "Oh! Liam go home, you're not coming with us." Stiles nudged Liam towards the door. "Why not?" Liam asked and walked back to Maddie, grabbing her hand.

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