chapter one; the new kid

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chapter one

IT WAS ONLY your first day back on campus when you managed to overhear some chatter between fellow staff.

It isn't like you were trying to feed into the shallow, almost-definitely fake gossip, you just happened to conveniently be in earshot.

They were talking about a new professor. Apparently the new addition taught physics, or chemistry, or psychology. Everyone had a different guess. What they all agreed on though, was that he was young, smart, famous, and attractive.

A former FBI agent taking a break from his job to lend his high-and-mighty IQ to Yale sounded exciting. And, as much as you may hate to admit it, you were dying for something to change around here. It seemed almost suffocating to be stuffed into the daily routine you'd created for yourself.

So, despite your better judgement, you decided to skip unpacking the rest of your office and wander on down to the science building. You were already making up some lie in your head about the copier being broken if you were caught, but really you just wanted to sneak a peak at the new guy.

God I hope he's cute.

What? You can't blame yourself, all the male professors here are either 90 years old or got here on a bribe with their daddy's money. It was real slim pickings.

You exited the art building, pushing the heavy metal doors outward and stepping onto the smooth path outside. Connecticut Autumn was less forgiving than you liked, and the brisk wind blew your hair from it's tamed state and forced you to hug your cardigan even closer. The brown, yellow, and red leaves crunched under your converse as you made your way to the science halls. You weren't dressed too fancy, it was only unpacking day after all.

You were all too relieved to find the entrance to the other building unlocked, and scurried into the doors, chasing the heated inside. The actual building was actually almost identical to the art wing, only with different types of lecture halls, and lab rooms instead of studio spaces.

Now to "use the copier."

You took your time wandering the halls, peeking into every open room, mostly just finding coworkers you already knew. You swore you had looked in every room in the damn building before you contemplated giving up. Maybe he wasn't here? But what kind of person doesn't come and unpack before the students get here?

You couldn't help but let out a sigh of discontent, perhaps a little too loudly.

"Are you okay?"

A voice you didn't recognize had suddenly come from right behind you.

"Mother of fuck!" You exclaimed loudly, turning around to see who on Earth thought it was okay to sneak up on someone like that.

Oh. My. God.

It must be the new professor you had been searching for. So he was cute. His angular face was contorted into some sort of smirk as he watched you spin around, startled. He wore a button-up, purple tie, sweater vest, matching cardigan, and pressed dress pants. Shit what was this, the Oscars?

He looked at you expectantly, and you remembered suddenly he had asked you a question, and you'd just spent a solid minute checking him out. Whoops.

"I-I'm fine, thank you." You said, sounding a bit more annoyed than you intended to. "Just wondering where the copy machine is. The one in the Arts building is jammed." The lie slipped scarily through your lips with ease.

"I can show you if you like, even though I'm new." He tucked a stray piece of dark hair behind his ear, and smiled slightly. Was he trying to be cute, or is he just always like this?

"I'd love that, thank you."

"So you teach art?" He asked, as he began leading you the opposite way. You were forced to do that awkward jog-walk to keep up. Stupid long-legged bitch.

"Uh- yeah. This year I'm doing mostly traditional classes. Focused on physical mediums like paint and sculpting." You could talk for hours when it came to art. "And you? I haven't seen you around before."

"I'm teaching an honors quantum physics class. I've already planned out the semester. But you're lucky, since you can just kinda go with the flow right? They're just art classes." He said it flippantly, like it was no big deal. Like he hadn't just disrespected your entire career.

"No, I don't just 'go with the flow' actually." Your tone had become a bit more venomous. He turned to look back at you, maybe realizing his mistake, maybe not deciphering the change in tone at all. "Art takes a lot more than just being able to type something into your calculator."

A smug look creeped onto the man's face. His stupid, shitty, beautiful face.

"Spoken like someone who's never taken a physics class before." His expression told you he probably thought it was a joke. A harmless joke, where he insulted your entire profession, and then your intelligence.

You now both stood in front of a closed door labeled 'copy room' but neither of you moved to open the door. You just stood, facing each other, staring each other down. You tried to decipher what was going on his head, but his face didn't give anything away.

Out of habit, or stubbornness, you outstretched you're hand to shake.

He shook his head, raising his hands in a mini surrender. A germaphobe? He nodded anyway, as if to make up from your hand still suspended in air being left hanging.

"Doctor Spencer Reid." The consonants in 'doctor' were annoyingly enunciated, and it took all your willpower not to roll your eyes.

"Ms. Y/N L/N." The 'Ms.' was completely unnecessary and probably came off slightly flirty, but  since you didn't have a doctorate to flaunt, you had to add something.

Spencer grinned and let go of your hand. He looked you up and down silently, not creepily, simply analyzing, before cocking his head slightly to the side.

"I'd say good luck with the copier, but it seems your didn't bring anything to copy." A hint of a smile was in his voice and you could hear it.


But you could do nothing but watch his back as he walked away, leaving you with nothing but a new grudge to hold.



so.....? first chapter?

i hope this was enough spencer content(tm) in this chapter and i swear it'll get more interesting from here

spence seems like kind of an asshole right now but he's NOT he just has no social awareness

hope you enjoyed and keep reading!
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much love,


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