chapter fourteen; who's this?

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chapter fourteen

SPENCER WASN'T SOLD on the idea of you meeting the team. You understood, of course, but you wondered why. You'd asked and asked, talked and talked, for days on end. Finally, you could tell you were starting to get on his nerves, so you let it go. Though, you had been going out for more than a couple of weeks at this point. Hell, you were practically living at his place!

Even though you thought all of these things, you didn't want to push it. Who were you to force yourself into meeting his team? You tried your best to mask your disappointment. Maybe one day you'd be able to meet them, you hoped. It didn't sit very well with you, but overall you decided to let it go.

"You ready?" Spencer asked suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts. He sat down next to you on the couch, reaching for the remote, starting to press 'play.' It was only about 5:00, a little early for a movie, but you'd closed the curtains and made it work.

The two of you had decided on a movie night in order to to decompress after you'd gone in to the Yale administration to file a formal complaint. Professor Anderson would be placed into administrative leave as they 'investigated' the matter. As much as it angered you, you still shook the thought from your head; tonight wasn't about him.

Instead, you allowed yourself to settle back into the couch, nuzzling into Spencer's side. He was warm and comforting as he slung one arm around your shoulders. You tried to focus on the movie, but honestly we're more invested in Spencer's presence beside you. You could hear his breath and even his heart beat where you were laying, and it made you hyper aware of him.

After all this time together, even living in his apartment, you hadn't actually... You know.

You hadn't really explicitly tried, because every time the mood was right, it seemed like you both constantly got distracted by something else.

The first time, the smoke alarm had gone off. Then, the pizza delivery man showed up, and after that it was your mom calling. So it had just never happened.
This didn't mean you didn't want to, of course. In fact you desperately wanted to go further with Spencer. Being in such close quarters with him was borderline intoxicating and you wouldn't be able to keep yourself away much longer.

The movie was probably less than halfway through when you shuffled under the blanket, adjusting the two of you until you were right on his lap. He didn't elicit any immediate reaction, which made you furrow your brows. This time, you were determined.
You waited for a lull in the movie's action before reaching behind you and grabbing hold of Spencer's hands, placing them on your waist.

To your dismay, he left them a respectful distance away from anywhere interesting. Damn, what did you have to do to send a hint to this man? You withheld a sigh, instead deciding you'd have to take this into your own hands. Or more accurately, your own hips.

Slowly at first, you started to grind your hips, applying just the slightest amount of pressure. When you didn't hear any acknowledgement from the man beneath you, you applied even more pressure. You knew he felt your movement because he'd already begun to harden under your ass. A sly grin grew on your face. Teasing was your specialty.

It continued like this for another few minutes, Spencer restraining himself from giving you any reaction except for his labored breathing. He was obviously withholding his moans from escaping, as if you wouldn't be able to tell you affected him, despite the physical reaction coming from beneath you.

You were about to give up on your approach when his grip suddenly tightened immensely and he held you still. At this, you began to feel the beginnings of wetness pool in your panties. A shockwave of heat flowed through your body. His hands were pressed to hard to your sides you imagined what you would look like with his hand prints marked on you.

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