chapter three; beginning

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chapter three

THE LEAST EXCITING part of the school year was always the beginning. Spending precious studio time going over syllabuses and expectations. No one was very interested in watching you talk for an hour about the proper way to use paint. Luckily, you cut some (probably important) information out of your teaching plan this year, and managed to get the students started on day one.

You looked around as they all hunched over their easels, concentrating on getting it just right. Some of them were here only because an art class was required as a gen-ed if you wanted to graduate. It was obvious who those people were, as they sat talking to their friends or sketching lazily. You began to walk over to try to encourage them to at least try, but paused when you heard their conversation.

"I'm serious! I've never been so interested in physics before but I couldn't look away. That's how cute he is." One said, giggling quietly to her friend.

"Oh my god I know! I wanted to leave my number on his desk with a little note that said 'you can qauntify my physics Dr. Reid' but he's like, so socially awkward I don't think he'd know what to do with it." They laughed at each other again. Was this the same Dr. Reid you had talked to?

"Girls, a lot of people would love to attend this class in your place. I'd prefer you'd stop talking about your physics teacher and tried to focus on art." You said as you stood over them, trying to put on your most stern voice. Even though you were a young teacher, the fear in their eyes was evident.

"Yes ma'am." One said immediately.

"But you totally think he's cute too right? I mean he's the only other young professor here." The other said, trying to coax some sort of confession out of you. You could feel your cheeks begin to heat up more and more.

"Back. To. Work." At these words, both girls went back to working on their unfinished sketches in front of them.

Finally, the day was over.

It seemed never ending. The same lesson over and over and over. You really wished something interesting would happen in your life. Maybe romantically.

Okay, okay, so it had been a while since your last actual relationship. And pretty long since your last 'intimate' encounter. You definitely weren't at fault for wishing that you could break the dry spell.

Just as you were beginning to be lost in your own thoughts, an email appeared in your inbox. A confused student maybe?


Hello professors,

I hope your first day went smoothly. Today after classes we are having a staff meeting between all subject professors in the physics lecture hall 326.
This is MANDATORY and I expect to see you all there in order to discuss how first days went and go over new expectations for this semester.


Oh great! It's not like your day could get any worse. Now you had to go and sit next to all those science hacks who think art is a walk in the park.

You grabbed your things; an old denim jacket, your striped scarf, and your oversized briefcase. You may have looked a little silly but you'd rather look stupid once than have to make the trip to get all your stuff after this god-awful pointless meeting.

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