chapter four; interest

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chapter four

IT ONLY TOOK about three glasses of wine that night for you to start to think about a certain professor. It was almost midnight, and as you lay sprawled lazily on your couch, binge watching the bachelor, your mind began to drift. Did he really work for the FBI? But he was so young?

Before you knew it, you had grabbed your computer out of your bag and sloppily began to type into the search bar.

doctor spenc|
doctor spencer reid|

You felt unbelievably silly, researching your own coworker on google. But it seemed as if your mouse had a mind of its own as it wandered over your screen to press the search button. The screen buffered for a second before generating plenty of results.

One article read 'youngest FBI agent in the force' and another read 'genius FBI agent spotted with Lila Archer.' Seriously? So he was not only a genius, he was a infamous profiler, he was cute, and he made out with Lila-fucking-Archer? Okay, at this point it wasn't even fair. You couldn't help but feel almost insecure at the fact that you paled in comparison to him.

You clicked on 'images' and marveled at the results. Countless images of Spencer with criminals in handcuffs, or him with a revolver and holster on his hip. It was strangely... attractive? It sent a shudder down your spine to see his eyebrows furrowed as he ducked into a large, black SUV. As you continued scrolling, you hadn't even noticed your legs begin to squeeze together. When you realized, you quickly closed the tabs and slammed the computer shut. God, what was wrong with you? Getting off to your coworker who you hate? It was probably just the dry spell and the wine. Right?

You quickly wobbled through your dark apartment, occasionally hitting your elbows on counters and tables. You slipped out of your work clothes and into your pajamas, easily collapsing into your bed. As soon as your head hit the pillow, you were asleep.

"Y/N?" Spencer Reid stood at the entrance to your office, leaning precariously against the door frame.

"Come in, Spencer." You said, though on some level you realized your voice didn't sound like your own. "What do you need, doctor?" He bit his lip and entered the small room, coming closer to you as you arranged papers on your desk.

"I need you, Y/N." His voice was low and gravelly. You could almost taste the want in the air as he spoke. The breath caught in you throat as you turned to look at him, making eye contact.

"Then take me, Dr. Reid." Your voice was confident and smooth. You sounded like you knew what you were doing, which definitely wasn't true.

At these words, the man grabbed you by your hips, his large hands sending warmth straight to your lower stomach. Your noses pressed together for just a moment as he paused, before you leaned forward to connect his lips with yours. Your mouth opened almost immediately to allow him access, and you moved in sync.

After a minute or two, your bodies got even closer, and you felt the imprint of his arousal poking your side, prompting a giggle from you, but also for you to lean into him. A strangled groan came from his throat as his eyes squeezed shut at the contact.

"Eager, are we?" You teased, and it seemed as if you two were completely comfortable with each other, because he laughed with you.

Just then, his hand crept from your lower back to your stomach, inching under your waistband.

"I-Is this okay?" He asked, his voice quiet and shaky. It was absolutely adorable.

"Please, Spencer." You replied, not even trying to hide the lust in your tone.

And so his hand wandered under your jeans and into your panties. His finger found your clit with ease, and as soon as he began to apply pressure, your climax began to build. The added pleasure of his soft lips on your neck only pushed you closer. So, so close just a little bit-

Your eyes opened suddenly, the light from your windows attacking your eyes.

Oh shit.

You did not just have a sex dream about Spencer Reid, right? Oh god, you definitely did. You should have knows something was off when you got along. Your cheeks began to heat up at the thought of having to see him that day. Or maybe you wouldn't have to, it's not like you even worked in the same building, right? It would all be fine.

As you rolled out of bed, you wandered to your closet. You picked out one of your favorite outfits. A flowy skirt that fell just above your knees, and a colorful turtleneck that you tucked in. As you looked in the mirror, you couldn't help but feel a tad bit confident.

In a good mood, you grabbed a quick cup of coffee before walking out the door. Sliding into your car, you turned on your favorite playlist, the loud music only brightening your day. A good day. You needed one of those.

You soon pulled into the University parking lot, and put your car in park. The sun was shining brightly, a strangely warm day for Fall. You were humming the last song that was playing when you heard loud voices behind you.

"Why don't the young ones go after me, huh?" An obnoxious voice piped up from behind you, but you tried to ignore it. "Hey, Y/N! How's the coloring sheets coming?" The man laughed so loud you could probably hear it in New York.

"Hello, Richard. Classes are going wonderfully." You said, your voice monotone and uninterested. Mr. Anderson had always given you trouble, thinking he was all high and mighty for being a STEM teacher.

Oh, and you also wouldn't go out with him when you first started at Yale.

"Dr. Reid here, has joined us at the actual important subjects professor club. Haven't you?" When he said it, you turned around faster than you care to admit. You saw Spencer, looking very uncomfortable, with Richard's arm swung over his shoulders like they were old friends. But his expression screamed 'help me.' You almost wanted to laugh, but your pity was too overwhelming.

"Have you two met?" The older man asked, then leaned even closer to Spencer to whisper-shout in his ear, loud enough for anyone within a 40 foot radius to hear. "She's actually quite the prude."

Okay that was the last straw.

"Just because I wouldn't go out on a date with you three years ago, doesn't mean I'm a 'prude.' Maybe I just don't want to go out with guys old enough to be my dad. You even think about that?" You hissed back. You couldn't even hid the rage in your voice as you whipped around and quickly made your way to the arts building. Luckily, you didn't hear a reply. Though you did hear footsteps coming up behind you once more. Great.

"Hey, Y/N, uh, for the record Richard and I aren't, like, buddies." It was Spencer. You turned around to look at him, pausing your fast walk. "A-and I think a woman's sexuality is completely her choice. And her own business."

"Good. But you don't have to prove yourself to me." You said, giving him a small smile.

"I know." He sounds as if he's saying it to himself, and it made you feel as if he'd forgotten you were there.

You left it at that, looking at his wide, puppy-dog eyes for just a few second longer before turning back around and continuing your path toward the doors. You see Spencer out of the corner of your eye moving across the courtyard to the science building. You wanted to hide your head in your hands, curl up in a ball, and just sleep for the rest of time.

But you still had a job to do. So you ignored your reddening face and continued into your office.

Maybe not such a good day after all.



spencer mf reid is absolutely a feminist you can't change my mind

also oooooooooh an antagonist? maybe? we'll see hehe
p.s how are you liking the story so far? i haven't done a full fledged story in a HOT MINUTE so ahhh kinda nervous lol. i actually have plot in mind this time though !

much love,


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