chapter eight; tension

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chapter eight

-Spencer's POV-

SPENECER DIDN'T KNOW what had possessed him on Monday morning, honestly. But when he was watching Y/N teach, seeing the way her face lit up when she was passionate about something, even as she was yelling at him for the things he said, as the emotion showed on her face, he felt drawn to her. It was like there was a force pushing them together, and he felt desperate to close the gap.

He had always found Y/N attractive. Even from the first day he saw her in the science building. So when she was right there in front of him, just inches away, despite her obvious anger, he just couldn't help himself.

Of course, it had been quite the relief when she'd actually kissed back.

But now, on Tuesday morning, there was just a hint of regret with Spencer. Had he taken advantage of the high pressure situation? And did their relationship as coworkers make continuing whatever they had impossible? Oh god, what did they have? Did Y/N even want to continue whatever it was?

The thoughts made his head spin as he got ready, coffee already brewing, filling his apartment with the comforting scent. He picked out his usual button up and cardigan pair, quickly inspecting himself in the mirror before heading to campus.

He became more and more nervous as he got closer. Would it be weird now? Well, maybe it had always been weird between them, so it couldn't get much worse, right? Spencer continued to fidget all the way to his office, and the rest of the way across the courtyard to the arts building. As much as he despaired about coming in early when he didn't have a class to teach, seeing Y/N's face was worth it.

Despite how often they butted heads, she fascinated him. The way she was able to talk with such confidence to anyone, always catching the eyes of their coworkers or anyone near her. She made people laugh so easily, including Spencer. He envied that about her. He had never been very extroverted, and he was definitely less than proficient with social skills. In fact, that was what caused the sourness between him and Y/N in the first place, Spencer's inability to distinguish what's a funny joke and what isn't. He feels embarrassed thinking about most of their interactions.

He had been so caught up in his own thoughts he didn't even realize he'd reached Y/N's classroom. He walked in, attempting to seem nonchalant, and took his seat at a station.

The canvas he'd begun yesterday was dismal at best. Perhaps he'd underestimated the skill the arts took. Unfortunately though, his pride was preventing him from admitting that, and it isn't like he didn't enjoy Y/N's class, so he decided to continue his work.

She sat at a desk at the front of the class, reading a book Spencer couldn't identify. After taking a quick glance at the time, she rose from her chair and launched into another introduction to the day. She spoke about dimension and depth, all of which glided right over Spencer's head. He really was in over his head here, but he was determined to make the best of it.

"And, start!" Y/N announced happily, looking around at her students, her eyes finally locking with Spencer's. Immediately, it was like the heat had been turned up a few degrees as they looked at each other, her mouth slightly open as if she wanted to say something, but she closed it and went back to her desk. There really was something special about her that ignited something in Spencer.

Digging around for brushes and paints, he felt just a bit confused. He knew a bit about color theory, but actually implementing it was another story completely. He was so focused trying to adjust his painting that he didn't even notice a person behind him.

"Are you a little confused, Dr. Reid?" It was Y/N, her voice obviously meant to be condescending, but instead it sent a jolt of excitement down his spine.

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