chapter twelve; creep

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chapter twelve
—— TW: sexual harassment/assault

EVERY DAY AFTER your date with Spencer was a good one. The air seemed crisper, colors seemed brighter, and you just wanted to stop and smell the roses as often as you could. It was like you were living in a fairytale. One where prince charming existed; and where he was dating you.

You truly couldn't believe you'd been missing out on this. All that time wasted toiling over, well, whatever it was you'd been mad at him about. The honeymoon phase you'd entered with him was a dream come true.

The day after your date, you'd found a box of chocolates on your desk, with a handwritten note in Spencer's small, scratchy writing. It basically said that he enjoyed the date, and he hoped you did too. You almost scoffed. How could you not enjoy a date like that? It was magical.

Then, that weekend the two of you had gone out again. This time, to your favorite art museum. The time flew by, and it was almost painful to say goodbye by the end of the night. The following day, you left a flower in his office, with a note attached, telling him how much you enjoyed his company.

It seemed out of character for you, to be so blindly head-over-heels, but you couldn't help it.
It felt more like an honor to be the one to see Spencer's eyes light up, to hear him laugh, to hear him talk, to hold his hand. You felt ridiculous, being so interested in someone, to the point you bought him flowers? Who had you become? Though, you really didn't mind the change.

Your students had apparently noticed though, which you found out the following week.

"Ms. L/N, are you," One of your male students suddenly lowered his voice to a whisper as he talked. "screwing Dr. Reid?"

You had been sitting at your desk, staring at the note Spencer had given you. Immediately, you snapped out of the haze, a steady blush rising in your cheeks.

"It is inappropriate to talk to your professors that way." You stated bluntly, desperately willing the heat in your cheeks to subside. "Besides, what would give you that impression?" You were curious, after all.

A few students laughed, as if they were in on some joke that you weren't. This time, a different student spoke.

"Well, ever since you invited him to paint portraits with us, you've been, like, happy." Her tone was brutally honest. Had you not been happy before? You thought back, and maybe you hadn't.

"Oh, and also Dr. Reid is always in the arts wing in the morning now, for some reason." Someone else pitched in. That must have been when he dropped off the notes. You smiled silently to yourself.

"As a physics major, I'd like to thank you, actually." One student from the back said. "Dr. Reid grades way easier now." Another sweeping round of laughter. You shook your head. It really was that obvious, huh?

After classes had finished, you went to the copier room with a few files. When you entered, you happened to find some of your colleagues.

"So," An older woman started. "Dr. Reid tickles your fancy?" She laughed softly, the others joining with her. You rolled your eyes nonchalantly.

"Yes." You revealed. Even saying it out loud made it feel much more real. "I guess he does." Your cheeks began to flush again.

"Ah, young love." One stated, stepping aside to let you begin to press a few buttons on one of the machines. "The machines in here are broken, by the way. We're just chatting."

You grimaced. The only other building with a copy room was the science building.

One on hand, you had a reason to go see Spencer.

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