chapter fifteen; dinner date

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chapter fifteen

WITHIN THE NEXT few days you'd gone back to work. It was hard to walk into campus again, after all that'd happened there, but as always, Spencer was right there with you. He walked you to your class, and even brought you lunch that first day back. It seemed impossible you'd ended up with such a man.

It appeared your students had caught wind of what'd happened, and as uncomfortable as it was, no one questioned your absence. If anything, it was a comfort to you to see your students again, and to finally get back to doing what you love; teaching.

It was finally your last class of the day, early evening on a Friday night. The students were anxious and jumpy, most likely desperate to hit the scene with their friends. In all honesty, you were ready for the class to be done with, too.

After all, that night was the one where you'd finally get to meet Spencer's illusive FBI team.

Despite your restlessness, you were determined to stay on track.

"Okay, everyone, look up here please!" You put on your best authoritative voice. "I'm sure you all want to get out of here, correct?" Most students nodded. "Well, I do too. I've got an important date- uh- thing to do tonight and I'd really appreciate it if you all cleaned up your stations so I don't have to. Sound good?" The faces staring back at you nodded once more.

"You were gonna say date, weren't you Professor L/N?" One student spoke up. Your cheeks flushed with warmth. You shook your head disapprovingly.

"Why would you say that?" You asked.

"Oh, just cause' Dr. Reid is being all jumpy today too. I drew my own conclusions." When the student finished, the other kids in the class tried, and failed, to hide their own laughter. It appeared you'd been found out.

"Okay, okay, laugh it up." You said, dejectedly. "Believe whatever you want."

The answer was ambiguous enough to where there was a possibility for anyone to decide whatever they wanted. You watched almost everyone in the room erupted in protest, desperately wanting a definitive answer. You left them without one.

You watched your students frustratedly pack their things and diligently clean their desks. As much as you don't care to admit it, you practically shoved them out the door the second the class ended. You were desperate to redeem yourself to Spencer's closest friends after your god awful first impression. You chose not to even think about it.

The lecture hall was empty, except for you of course, as you sat at your desk, thinking. Well, more like worrying. You just needed a moment of silence to yourself. To think about what going to this dinner really meant. It meant commitment. It means that Spencer and you might really go somewhere. Maybe even that you're already there. Butterflies erupt in your stomach at the thought of your possible futures together.

Just then, a loud knocking erupted from your door as it slowly opened. Behind it was Spencer.

He was rocking on his heels and fidgeting with his satchel strap. His lips were pulled into a thin line, before his eyes met yours, then he smiled.

"Hey Y/N!" Spencer's voice was slightly strained. "Look, I have to-"

"I know, I know, you're nervous. Hell, I am too!" You said, trying to reassure him. "But I promise I'll try to make the best first impression that I can, okay?"

Spencer let out a loud breath, nodding.

"Y-yeah. Of course." He stuck out his bent arm as he approached you. "Shall we?" You looped your arm through his, and the two of you left together.

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