chapter seven; a challenge

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chapter seven

YOUR WEEKEND HAD been spent planning exactly how you were going to get Spencer Reid to admit he was wrong. You had daydreamed about the words 'this is actually really difficult' coming out of his mouth far more than you preferred to admit.

Time in the studio was cherished by your students. It was their opportunity to get your opinion on their pieces and make adjustments. Otherwise, having to do individual work may cause their piece to stray from the path that would get them the best grade. You were proud to say that you tried your best to make their art the best it could be.

Art has always been your passion. It had been your way of releasing your emotions at the best and worst times in your life. It allowed you to be free and vulnerable at any time. Maybe that's why you took it to heart when the new professor immediately began bashing the thing you loved so much.

Sunday night you found yourself drawing in your sketchbook. Just random doodles, household objects, the people from the commercials on TV, and anything else that sprung to mind. Unfortunately all that came to mind was Spencer Reid. Any stray line or vague shape always managed to transform itself into the man. This has been a common theme in the last few pages of your sketchbook. You might as well have started a portfolio of just his face if you were going to fill half your sketchbook with it.

You slammed the journal shut abruptly, as to stop another innocent sketch from becoming his face. Finding his face pleasing to draw meant nothing, right? He was just very symmetrical, and angular, and his bone structure was just desirable for sketching, that's all. There's nothing more to it. You had to run over all the things he's done that pissed you off in your head to keep you in check.

Why Spencer Reid is Insufferable

1. Insulted the one thing you're passionate about
2. Hangs out with Richard Anderson

That one isn't really his fault, but you count it anyway.

3. Called you manipulative for a simple party trick
4. Makes you blush all the time
5. Forces you to avoid the science building and any staff gatherings
6. Checked you out

That actually totally boosted your self esteem, but as a woman you're obligated to put it on the list.

7. Makes you anxious
8. Causing you unnecessary stress about teaching your own class
9. Is probably bad at art (hopefully)

The list is shorter than you'd like it to be, but it's quality over quantity, and your fists are clenched just thinking about them. You let out a sigh, hoping that all goes well tomorrow. It feels less like a fun hang-out and more like a challenge.

Monday morning was a whirlwind. As soon as you woke up, the feeling of determination you had last night had been completely replaced with dread. The outfit you'd set out the night before looked much worse than you had anticipated, forcing you to empty your closet looking for something presentable.

Finally, you decided on a pair of high waisted plaid pants, a black belt, and a long sleeve, black cotton shirt you carefully tucked in. Perhaps more casual than your Yale counterparts, but you didn't care. You admired your reflection in the mirror as you applied your typical amount of makeup. Internally, you were just hoping that today went smoothly, though something told you it wouldn't. Call it intuition.

After filling your thermos with coffee, you made the familiar trip to campus.

When you arrived, the clock told you that there was even time to spare before class, which didn't happen often for you. Winter was hitting hard this year, and the wind bit through your shirt, causing a chill to run down your spine as you made your way across the courtyard. Luckily, the indoors were well heated when you entered the doors and walked down the hallways to the studio.

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