chapter eleven; darling

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chapter eleven

THE PIECE OF paper with Spencer's scrawling handwriting on it seemed to be burning a hole in your pocket the rest of the day. You were always aware of it at all times. It was almost suffocating; all you wanted to do was pick up your phone and dial.

You resisted calling him as soon as you left his office, though. Best not to seem too desperate, right? You didn't quite know the rules of dating exactly. Especially when it's your coworker. The very coworker who, when you think of him, makes your cheeks heat up and a smile grow on your face. Where would he take you on your first date?

A bookstore?

A coffee shop?

Maybe you'd have takeout at his place?

You stopped yourself from going down that path, it's probably not good to get your hopes up. Though, in order to have the 'perfect date' you were dreaming about, you'd have to call him first. Damn.

That night, you arrived home, not intending to play the waiting game. The two of you had done enough waiting, and too many misunderstandings had been caused because of it. You got the slip of paper from your pocket, relieved it was still there, and moved to open the dial pad on your phone.

Carefully typing in the numbers, butterflies grew in your stomach. You felt almost nauseous with anxiety.

He gave you his number, he obviously wants you to call! He'll pick up.

But maybe it's too soon? Maybe he's busy, and you'll have to leave a voicemail, oh god, that's so much worse.

Before you let the thoughts get to your head, you pressed the circular call button. It began to ring. Suddenly, you felt the urge to toss the device across the room, but resisted. You brought it to your ear, listening to the tone. One ring, two rings, three rings, four rings-

"Dr. Spencer Reid." A familiar voice stated, slightly distorted from the phone static. The butterflies began to move even more now. What were you going to say again? Your mouth didn't move, unable to speak at all. C'mon, get it together, you tried to reassure yourself. "Hello?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice.

"H-hey, Spencer it's me." You finally said. "Y/N." You felt the need to clarify. You were nervous, and since he was a profiler after all, you're sure he could hear it.

"Oh, hi!" Spencer's voice was less professional now, in fact, he sounded like a kid on Christmas morning. "Any particular reason you're calling?" He said teasingly. This made you laugh into the speaker, as if he didn't know.

"Well, if you want me to be specific," you started, beginning to walk around your apartment. "I was just thinking about you." It was cliche, yet bold at the same time. Spencer seemed to be speechless on the other side of the phone, so you continued. "And I figured, hey, why not put the number you gave me to good use, right?"

You heard him let out a breathy chuckle.
"And what would that use be?" Hm, so maybe Spencer Reid was a flirt. That asshole was really going to make you spell it out for him, wasn't he?

"I'd like to go on a date with you." You stated bluntly. Subtlety wasn't your strong suit, so it's better to just say it and get it out there. "If you'll have me, Dr. Reid." Your voice was dripping with sarcasm as you awaited his response.

"Straightforward." He said, a grin obvious in his voice. "I think I have the perfect place. Are you free this Saturday?"

Your mouth dropped open. Was this really happening? You were going on a real date with Spencer? He was asking you out. For real.

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