chapter nine; reflection

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chapter nine
key: Y/F/N = your friend's name

YOU REMAINED IN a haze the entire weekend. Replaying the events over and over again in your head. Did that actually happen? It seemed like a dream that you had really done that to Spencer Reid in his office. The thought of your actions now began to embarrass you the longer you remembered them. Though this meant you had something with Spencer, right?

That Monday, when you arrived at campus, you didn't see Spencer at all. Not in the courtyard, in the parking lot, or in your office. Was he just going to leave you hanging? You had honestly expected some sort of follow-up. It was his turn to make a move, after all.

But alas, nothing.

Absolute radio silence from the man you thought you had just started something with. Apparently not though, as you spent the day going about your usual schedule as normal. As much as you tried not to stare at the door in anticipation, you couldn't help it. To no avail. You knew you must have seemed distracted, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. How dare he decide to drop you like trash?

Had you really been a one-time thing to him? He didn't seem like the type of guy to hit it and quit it. He seemed so kind. Socially awkward but so lovely. Apparently you were wrong.

A growing feeling of agitation started to move from the pit of your stomach to your throat, making you red with anger.

How dare he?

Each day the feelings of disdain grew. By Friday, day 7 of silence from Doctor Spencer Reid, you had decided you were right back where you started. Actually, it appeared you had actually gone in the opposite direction of any chance of a friendship.

Over and over in your head, you reran your actions. You had said 'next time' right? Did he think you were just going to fall at his pretentious feet?

Or maybe he just was no longer interested.

Just the thought made you want to shrivel up and never leave your room again. It was too embarrassing, no, too devastatingly awful to even think about it. Plenty of people were coworkers with benefits, right? Or actually, maybe nobody did that. It was for the best, then, yeah?

This resolution didn't stop you from overthinking though.

What kind of impression did you give to him? You, of course, were all for female empowerment. But did Spencer see you as a woman that would just drop to her knees for a man if he looked at her right? You spent next day moping when you received a call.

"Hello?" You picked it up.

"Hey, girl!" It was your best friend. You smiled at the sound of her voice. "How are you? Anything interesting happen?"

"You would not believe what just happened, actually." You were all too eager to get your recent encounter off your chest.

So you told her the entire story, hearing her squeals, exclamations, and deep sighs through the speaker, you left out no details.

"No fucking way." Was all she said, disbelief in her voice. "First off, you're the ultimate bad bitch. Second, what an asshole!"

"That's what I thought!" You paused. "But isn't that kind of trashy of me, still?" You asked, your voice timid.

"Honestly, doll, live your life. If he thinks any less of you, he's the trashy one!" Her voice was reassuring as always. You nodded, even though she couldn't see you. "You don't need any no-fun guy like that anyway!" The both of you laughed together for a few seconds. Maybe she was right.

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