chapter ten; alibi

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chapter ten

THE MOVIE NIGHT was perfect. It was just what you needed to get your mind of off Spencer. Though, something was nagging you. It just didn't sit right, the lack of communication. Spencer really didn't seem the type to go around breaking girls' hearts.

Not that you were heartbroken or anything! It was just strange. You wished you had an explanation, but after you cut him off at the store that night you had probably pretty much ruined your chances of hearing from him.

On Monday morning, you were getting ready as per usual, pouring a hot cup of coffee, as you flipped on the news. It played quietly in the background for about twenty minutes as you made your way around your apartment. You glanced up for a second, just to see the headline.

Prolific Serial Killer Apprehended By FBI

It dragged across the screen on the news roll, and you made a face. You weren't in the mood to look at gory crime scene photos; you were barely awake anyway. Quickly, you grabbed the remote and turned the television off again before it could go into any of the details. Then, you made your way out the door, to your car, and made the monotonous drive to campus as per usual.

By the time you arrived, you were content in the fact that this chapter with Spencer was closed. As fun, and interesting, as it was, you were completely okay with it being over. Sort of. Maybe.

There was still plenty of time before your first class when you arrived, so you decided to make another cup of coffee in the lounge.

You didn't often visit the staff room, mostly to avoid talking to disagreeable coworkers, but you were in desperate need of a little extra caffeine. The walk through the hallways was almost silent, and you couldn't lie, it was nice to get some peace and quiet. Your life had been a little more chaotic than you preferred lately. This ended when you entered through the doors, the entirety of the arts professors huddled around one computer screen.

"Y/N, have you seen this?" One says, seemingly shocked, unable to pull their eyes away to even look at you. In curiosity, you walk over and peek over the shoulders of your coworkers to see the same news story from this morning on the screen.

"What's so special about it?" You ask, skeptical about what could be this interesting.

"Just wait." One says, and you keep watching the news anchor talk about a serial killer's capture last week. Then, she begins to talk about the agents that caught the killer. You strain your ears to hear.

"The Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI uncovered the suspect within 7 days, promptly arresting him." Then, a picture flashed on the screen of the aforementioned unit.

No fucking way.

It seemed like the world was trying to spite you. You rubbed your eyes, making sure you were seeing correctly. Yep, there's Spencer Reid, FBI profiler, with the suspect in handcuffs.

Oh no. That was why he wasn't responding, wasn't it? It wasn't because he was ignoring you, or that he was an asshole. He was too busy catching a serial killer to text back his hook-up, duh. You wanted to punch yourself right about then. Heat was already rising in your cheeks. You had completely forgot that he was still part of the BAU team, and his professor status was more of a vacation. Your heart clenched. Was he leaving?

"Oh god, class is about to start." Someone says, and everyone immediately moves to start towards their classes. Shit, you didn't even get your coffee.

Monday classes always sucked. No one, including you, was ever interested in being there, and today that was just amplified by one hundred times. You wanted to go and apologize to Spencer as soon as possible, to tell him you acted totally immature, that you really weren't like that. But you never found the time throughout that day. It ate you up inside. What if he was leaving to go back to his job at the BAU?

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