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Shadow POV

Small rays of sunlight filtered in through the curtains of the window. Disturbed by the light I slowly sat up and looked over at the wall clock.


I sighed, today was supposed to be Rouge's birthday get together. She wanted me to go as well, if it was anyone else I might have declined, but Rouge has been an invaluable friend these past couple years. I have to go.
I still had roughly six hours until the party, but knowing Rouge, she'll want me to come early to help her set it up. I slipped out of bed and got ready for the day, then tidied the house a bit.
At least until I heard a knock on the front door. I looked at the clock again, wondering who would disturb me so early. It was barley eight o' clock, it better be important.
I opened the door and was greeted by non other than Sonic. I narrowed my eyes at him as I spoke. "What do you want, faker."
"Wanna race?" He asked with hopeful glee. I wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with him yet. No doubt he'd be at Rouge's party anyway.
"Don't you have anything better to do than to bother me?" I said with annoyance in my breath.
"What's the matter, scared you might lose?" Sonic lifted his eyebrow and smirked. I rolled my eyes and tried to close my door, but his foot got in the way last minute. "Aw com'on Shad, don't be like that."
"I'm busy." I said simply. Trying to get him to leave.
"What could possibly be more important than a race?" Sonic asked with mild curiosity. I didn't bother entertaining that question with and answer and simply went back to what I was doing before. I heard Sonic let himself in but pretended he wasn't there. I didn't have time for his shenanigans, I still needed to find a gift for Rouge after I was done here.
"Wow, I don't think I've ever been in your house before Shad, it looks pretty nice." Sonic said in awe as he scanned the room. He would be in awe with how messy and disorganized he is. I replied to him with a simple grunt. He still didn't get the hint to leave, instead he went on.
"So what did you get for Rouge's birthday?" He asked with a bit of nervousness. I looked over at him to see he was doing that annoying thing with his hands where he rubs his thumb on his fur. The friction from his gloves always made static when he touched anything after doing that for awhile. He must not have gotten Rouge something yet.
"I don't see how this is your business hedgehog, you'll see it at the party." I didn't want to admit that I hadn't gotten her anything yet either. He looked down, disappointment shining in his emerald eyes. It disappeared quickly as it was replaced with a cocky smirk.
"You didn't get her anything yet did you?" He walked over to me and got too close to my face. I narrowed my eyes, gauging my reaction. His games were getting rather old fast. I shoved him out of my face as I made my way behind him towards the kitchen. I needed coffee before I destroyed my house from Sonic's antics.
"I suggest you leave while you still can. I'm not in a civil mood right now."
"When are you ever in a civil mood?" He inquired rolling his eyes. "Of course, I won't tell Rouge you got her a last minute gift, but only if you help me pick one out for her!" Sonic must have felt so clever in that moment.
"Well if you want to play that game I simply won't give her the gift I have for her, and she can thank you for that." I watched as Sonic's smirk fell, he looked down at his hands and began to rub his thumb on his forearm again.
The coffee maker began pouring coffee into the mug rouge had given me last year. I remembered she got it as a way of professing her feelings for me but I chose to pretend it was simply a friendly gesture. She seemed disappointed at how dense I had seemed that day. I didn't feel the same towards her, she was simply a friend and nothing more. The mug was a picture she took of us with the words "happy birthday handsome" written inside the rim. I was mildly surprised in the picture and she had her trademark seductive smirk plastered on her face. Perhaps a matching mug would suffice? Although, I wouldn't want to give her the wrong idea. Whatever I get her needs to clearly state that this is nothing more than a gesture of friendship.
"Hey Shad... Can I ask you something?" Sonic spoke carefully, I looked over at him. He was nervous again, my gaze softened a bit. It was times like these where he reminded me of Maria. It made sonic seem less insufferable to be around.
"What is it hedgehog?" The harsh tone I had with him earlier was gone and replaced with a mildly gentle one.
"I was wondering..." Sonic trailed off, it was unlike him to lose confidence in himself. I furrowed my brows in confusion, waiting for this question that had him so nervous.
"Why don't we go get some breakfast? It'll be my treat." He smiled, this was clearly not what he wanted to ask. I pondered on the question for a moment, perhaps he'd try to ask again later.
"This isn't some ploy to get me to help you get a gift is it?" I inquired. I wanted to accept his request because I was curious if he'd attempt to ask what he had intended but...
"No, no.. I mean unless you want to, but I mean... It's no big deal really. I'm sure I can figure something out." Sonic was back to being nervous again.
Maybe there was a way I could enjoy this outing with Sonic. Seeing him so unsure of himself is actually quite entertaining

Oh look, I wrote something on here for once. I admit this is a lot easier since I don't need a computer to post my fanfics but idk... We'll see if I like this better than Fanfiction . net I guess

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