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Oh death, lay not your hands on us soon.
Oh life, tarry a bit, don't be a typhoon.

Oh justice, in sweltering land you must echo.
Oh freedom, make barren land a meadow.

Oh, liberty, let not ye be misused.
Oh, rights, let not ye be refused.

Oh crime, why is not thy abode hell?
Oh tolerance, is it the blood that I can smell?

Oh wars, slain not the innocent men.
Oh peace, tranquilize the disputing men.

Oh mercy, batter the arrogant beast.
Oh hope, meet the humans in the broken street.

Oh vices, why on the grudges ye feast?
Oh virtues, where are you have you deceased? 

Oh beauty, let everyone be thy beholder.
Oh greed, make thyself smolder.

Oh ignorance, blind not a man.
Oh education, do the best that ye can.

Oh words, let thyself be empowered.
Oh, coward, let not ye be devoured.

Oh God, let thy love reign over.
Let my little words be a disclosure.

~Stiletto A. Terror

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