Broken Memories

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Lie in here the memories frozen,
In shattered glass and frames all broken,
The words of love left unspoken,
An ocean of questions and emotions.

The confusion hanging all around,
The pain of hurt is profound,
And I am left astound.

Although in my heart it's woven,
But somehow it's string was broken.
Wish I knew it needed devotion,
I wouldn't have turned to commotion.

In frames these bits are bound,
The pieces of puzzle left unfound,
And I can't dig through the ground.

Hunting for the days lost and forgotten,
In busy life they had been trodden,
My numb mind is tired and sodden,
But the collection is still all broken.

The broken frames I shall shroud,
Adorn scented flowers on its mound,
And weep beside it till I'm unbound.

The memories shall lie there all forgotten,
The shattered glass and frames all broken,
The words of love left unspoken,
With a stone adorn with my devotion.

-Stiletto A. Terror

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