c1- surprise

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I hope you guys like this story please share it and vote that would mean a lot. Even if the first chapter is boring at least get to chapter 4 because from there it's amazing <3

"Steve, wake up"
"I am up, I have been up"
"Well then physically get out of bed"
"Tony there is nothing even going on today"
"Yes there is we are going shopping for new suits"
"You have those signing events coming up in a week and you need new fresh looks"
"Ugh, fine"
Signing events are fun, you know seeing all the fans that have been waiting for this moment their whole lives, but they are long and these coming up are in New York, I live in LA. Traveling also sucks. I roll myself out of bed and get ready, making it to the stores and getting inside is also stressful because of all the fans. They surround me. Sure I have bodyguards but there are hundreds of them and few of my guys.
Tony and I make it into my favorite suit store and he goes nuts, picking out lots of suits and outfits left and right. No try this one, that one's a winner, he's saying all the same things.
"So Mr.Rogers are we ever going to find a girlfriend?"
"I don't know why you ask that question so much"
"You should look for one"
"Well I'm not going to date a fan"
"Well maybe you will find a fan that isn't crazy"
Tony is happily married but seems more focused on my relationship life than his.
We leave the store with 3 new outfits, one for each event. They are some of my favorites maybe ever.

Wanda doesn't know this yet but I got her passes to meet Steve Rogers in person. They are the VIP passes. Just one for her though, mine is just an autograph pass. It's not that I don't like him, he is very good at what he does but I'm not like obsessed or anything. While Wanda's getting her picture I'll be getting an autograph. Wanda doesn't come home for another hour which means I can go and get dessert to celebrate. We have been best friends since we were five and she never shuts up about Steve Rogers so finally I wanted to do some thing that she would never forget.
This was the moment, Wanda was going to walk in any second and I had everything ready. The dessert which was an ice cream cake was thawing so we could eat it. The door knob started turning.
"You're home!"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Besides the point"
"Ice cream cake?"
"I have a surprise for you in the kitchen near the ice cream cake"
As we got closer her face went from confused to excited very quickly.
"Omg, oh my god, is this... are these for real?!"
"Yup you will get a picture and I will get an autograph for you obviously"
She started crying and I decided that now would be a good time for cake. She came up from behind to give me a hug, I could barely make out what she was trying to say.
"Thank— you so mu-much Nat, this is the best... present— ever"
"I know how much he means to you and I wanted your upcoming birthday to be memorable"
We hugged for a long time, ate some cake, like half of it and hung out. Watched a movie, laid on the couch together, nothing that we wouldn't normally do.
"I need a new outfit to wear"
"Why? He's never seen any of your outfits before"
"I know but I want something new and fresh to take a picture in a maybe the clothes will smell like him"
"That's kind of weird"
"Not really"
"Tomorrow we can go shopping after my shift, I work until noon. We will get you a new outfit"
"Thank you Nat"
"Of course"

"So Stevo in New York your photo-ops and autographs are sold out, but we didn't sell as many because it's the last stop, you're tired. There are 15 photos and 30 signatures, easy"
"Sounds easy"
"We leave tomorrow, your things are already packed so all you have to do is get your beauty rest for the fans"
"Thank you Tony and goodnight"
"Goodnight bud"

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