c8- the accident

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I woke up before everyone else and noticed that I was laying on Steve. My feet and legs were wrapped with his, my nose my just under his chin. My left hand was in his chest and my right was on the couch next to his side. This right hand was resting on my back and although he was sleeping I knew that if I tried to get up his hand would pull me back down. I didn't want to move though, being in his arms, let alone sleeping with him was amazing. He also slept so peacefully and looked cute doing it. Who knows when either one of them will wake up.
I don't remember falling back to sleep but I did. When I woke up this second time they were both awake. Watching Frozen 2 again because we didn't finish it. I tried to make it seem like I just woke up even though I sort of did. Now both of Steve's arms were in my back and one of his thumbs was rubbing my back.
"Morning sleepyhead"
"You are usually the first one up, what happened?"
"Well actually I woke up before both of you but fell back to sleep"
"Oh, well what's for breakfast?"
"What does everyone want?
"Honestly cereal sounds good"
"What about you Steve?"
"I'm fine with whatever"
"Cereal it is"
"Okay but let's finish the movie first"
After the movie ended Wanda went to go get somewhat ready for the day and that gave us some alone time.
"Actually yes, you are a very comfortable person to lay on"
"Did you sleep okay?"
"Yes, it was some of the best sleep, and it was with you"
"Oh my god, so cheesy"
"Well I didn't write you a paragraph so I have to make up for it somehow"
"Well since I am here in person then you can't can call me beautiful more than once, so ha"
"Well that sucks but you are very beautiful in the morning"
"And you sleep beautifully as well"
"Steve" I hit him in the chest but that only made him laugh.
"I had to"
"I hate you"
"No you love me"
"Yeah..... I do love you
"Well I love you more"
Steve kissed my head and then I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the lips. We both sat there for a little while just kissing each other while I was still laying on top of him.
"You're ew"
"I'm getting breakfast"
I payed my head back down on Steve's chest for a second and then got up to go get food. Before I walked away I grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him up and off the couch.
"We have Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Cocoa Pebbles"
"Cocoa Pebbles please"
"Coming right up, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"
"After I come up with the courage to leave? I will see if Tony has any plans"
"He may be doing something with Pepper though"
"His wife"
"Oh I didn't know he was married"
"Yeah, he has been for 6 years stupid"
"Thanks Wanda" she holds up a thumbs up because she had food in her mouth but I still felt the attitude.
"I guess Wanda answered for me but yeah 6 years"
"So he was 19?"
"Yeah, young but we all went to high school together and they dated all 4 years so it sort of makes sense"
"Yeah crazy"
We finished eating and then Steve said he would get going.
"Last night was lovely, thank you"
"Of course, thank you for coming"
I grabbed his chin and gave him a kiss, he put his hand on my waist and it was a few minutes before we stopped.
"I love you"
"I love you more"
Then it was just me and Wanda.
"Just saying you guys are so in love"
"Uhm... thank you"
"He's going to propose, you can tell"
"Oh my god no he isn't"

It's almost like Tony was waiting for me.
"So.... you spent the night"
"So I did"
"Do anything else?"
"Ew Tony no"
"Just wondering"
"Well please stop wondering"
"Will do, hey can I tell you something?"
"Don't make things weird"
"I won't"
"Well... I've been thinking about this for a little while now and I realize that you look at Nat the way that I look at Pepper"
"Meaning that you look at her like a man looks at his wife of 6 years. It took me 10 years to look at her like that but you do now"
"Oh, wow"
"I'm not saying you should get married because it's early but I think you guys could go all the way"
"Actually.... I wasn't going to say this but I think- I mean I know that Nat is the love of my life and I do you know it's early but I want to spend the rest of my life with her"
"Well what are you going to do about it?"
"Right, I'll see you later"
Tony helped me realize that I needed to go get the most perfect ring for the most perfect girl.
There is a jewelry store about 30 minutes away that has the best jewelry I know. They weren't very busy either which means they have the best helpers available. And I know someone who works here who always helps me find exactly what I'm looking for.
"Hello... Mr.Rogers how may I help you?"
"I'm looking for Maria"
"I'll send her out"
"Thank you"
"Ah, Steve you've come back, what can I do for you this time?"
"Well I'm looking for a ring, the best one you've got"
"A ring you say? And who would this be for?"
"A very special someone"
"Well let me show you all my favorites" she moved all around the store finding multiple rings " all of these are the ones that I like most"
"They are all beautiful but this one screams her"
"If you like it then I like it"
"I love it"
Maria was finishing up getting the ring and I was very happy.
"So may I ask who she is?"
"She isn't famous, you wouldn't know her"
"Give me some details"
"She has red hair and green eyes, the perfect combination. Her name is Natasha Romanoff but everyone calls her Nat"
"The way that your face lit up shows me that you clearly really love her"
"I do and thank you so much, I can always count on you"
"Aw no problem kid"
On my way out I pulled the ring out to look at it again, it was perfect, she will love it. Just then 3 people came bursting through the doors with guns.
"Everyone put your hands up, drop everything"
I put the ring in my pocket quick and dropped the bag.
"Who works here? Anyone, speak up now"
"I do"
"Well miss, I want all of the money"
"Did I stutter?"
Maria started giving the one guy the money while the other two started breaking the glass and grabbing jewelry.
"I got it let's go"
"We haven't gotten all of it though"
"It doesn't matter. Wait hole on a minute... is that Steve Rogers? The one and only?"
"What about him?"
"The best way to show authority who's boss is to hurt something that they love" he pulls the gun out and shoots me right in the pelvis on my left side.
"Run come on"
After they left Maria came running and called 911. The pain from being shot was unlike anything else, not to mention the blood everywhere. That was gross. My mind kept blanking every once in a while so the next thing I remember is being in an ambulance.
"Steve, what is your emergency contact?"
"Tony Stark, number's 917-649-5357"
"Is this Tony Stark? Great we need you to meet us at Mercy Hospital, Steve has been shot and will be going into surgery"
Everything around me was spinning. The next thing I remember after that was seeing Tony.

"Here T, take my jacket"
"Steve, what is going on?"
It was too late, he was already through the doors and gone. Pepper came with me and so the both of us took a seat in the waiting room.
"They said he will be fine just surgery"
"He will be fine Tony"
I felt something in his pocket and I pulled out a ring box. But it wasn't just any ring it was THE ring. His phone was in the pocket as well.
"That is a very pretty ring"
"He bought it for Nat"
"Who's Nat?"
"Oh right, it's his girlfriend"
"How long have they been dating?"
"3 days"
"I should call her"
Luckily, I know the password to his phone so I could call Nat.
"Hey Nat it's Tony"
"Oh hi Tony"
"Steve is at Mercy Hospital right now, little incident, he will be fine just surgery. But I figured you should be here"
"Thanks, uhm.... I will be there shortly"
Now all we had to do was wait. About 20 minutes later Nat showed up which helped me relax a little.
"Hey Nat, you made it"
"Everything it fine by the way, a-okay. Oh also this is Pepper"
"Hi, I'm Nat"
"Nice to meet you"
Pepper and Nat continued to talk mostly about relationships but I wasn't listening. About 30 minutes after that Steve's dad arrived and I gave him the biggest hug ever.
"Is everything good?"
"Yes, he's just resting now"
"Wonderful. Pepper how are you?"
"Great, what about yourself?"
"I've been better, but good. And you must be Nat, but from up close this time"
"I am, it's nice to meet you"
"You as well, did you like the place?"
"The restaurant or the pond?"
"Oh yes, the food was very good and the lights were magical"
I've never been back there myself but from the little view I have it looks beautiful. Also I meant what I said about you, first you rode in his black Corvette and then you went to the pond-"
"Wait what. I've never done any of those things"
"She's very special Tony"
"I'll say"
"I welcome you to our family"
"Thank you"
About an hour later a nurse came out to tell us that he was awake and would see people. We all decided that we would go in groups, Pepper and I, his dad, and Nat not in that order. His dad went first.

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