c9- i love you

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"Hey kid, what the hell happened out there?"
"Just an average day, getting shot"
"Don't ever do that again"
"I'll try not to"
"But while you were in here resting I got to meet Nat up close"
"She's here?" that made me feel better.
"Yeah she is, and I like her... a lot"
"I do to"
He gave me a hug which felt good, something I needed.
"Love you kid"
"Love you too dad"
Then Tony and Pepper came in.
"Let me set something straight. Nat has rode in the forbidden corvette and got to see the pond? Do I mean nothing?"
"What he meant to say was that we are glad you are getting better and the ring you got for her is very pretty"
"Thanks Pepper"
"I also talked to her and she is really nice, definitely a keeper"
"I agree"
Tony and Pepper stayed only about another 5 minutes and then each gave me a hug and left. Tony left my jacket though. Then the light of my life walked in and I couldn't be happier.
"Hey you came"
"Yeah Tony called me and I came" she came and sat right next to me, holding my hand and rubbing it with her thumb "please never let anything nearly life threatening happen again"
"Won't plan on it"
"But I'm glad that you are okay and I love you" I kissed the side of her head and she turned giving me a kiss.
"I love you too... which is why I have something to say" I pulled out the ring and she seemed surprised which is good I guess but scary " I know that we have only been dating for three days but I know in my heart that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. When I first saw your face I was speechless, literally, I introduced myself to you at my own event. Your face, voice, smile, laugh all of it was all that I could think about the rest of that day. Our first date at the diner and the restaurant were both amazing. Natasha Romanoff I love you with all my heart and I know it's early but I really want to be with the love of my life for the rest of my life" she was smiling which was good "so will you marry me?"
"Steve... we have only known each other for 4 days" she put her hands on both of my cheeks and was not breaking eye contact "and been dating for 3"
Then she leaned forward her hands still on my cheeks and kissed me. Another thing that I needed right now.
"What, really?"
"Yes, I want to spend the rest of my life with you too" I put the ring on her finger and kissed her again and again. She was going to be my wife.
"I didn't ask for your dad's blessing though"
"He's fine with it I promise. And your dad welcomed me to the family so everything is perfect"
"I love you so much"
"I love you more"

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