c5- the diner

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I woke up earlier than normal because I was really excited and couldn't wait any longer to see her. It took me a long time to fall asleep because my mind would not stop thinking about her, she has been the only person I have thought about for the last 24 hours. My plan is to ask her out on a date, just dinner, pick her up and take her to a very special place and restaurant. I threw on comfy jeans and a plain t-shirt. With a navy jacket and white shoes, a casual outfit. Then I got in the car and couldn't wipe the smile off of my face.
I think I arrived a little too early because there were no customers there yet but that was fine because then it can just be the two of us. When I walked in I looked around at the place and it was really cute and I loved the decorations.
"Hello sir... oh my goodness you are Steve Rogers"
"Yes I am"
"Sit anywhere you're like"
"Thank you, I also have a question"
"Is there a girl named Nat working by chance?"
"Yes I will go get her"
"Thank you"

Back in the kitchen
"Nat there is a guy here for you"
"Someone named Steve Rogers"
"Oh my god"

Dining area
The menu had lots of delicious looking foods but I planned on keeping it simple. Then I heard footsteps, looked up and saw red hair and starting sweating again.
"Is this the surprise?"
She smiled at me which made me sweat even more but I really missed that smile.
"What do you mean?"
"Wanda said that there was a surprise but wouldn't tell me what it was"
"Oh yes, this is"
"Well regular everyday customer what can I get you to drink?"
"An iced vanilla latte and I'm also ready to order"
"Go ahead"
"I'll have the simple breakfast with bacon please"
"Coming right up"
"Also- after you put my order in can you come back?"
"If I'm not busy" she looked around at the place that was empty and smirked at me. Then walked back to the kitchen. She was just as beautiful and perfect as I remember. I looked at my phone to see that Tony had texted me several times.

What's up?

Where are you?

Out getting breakfast

With Nat?


Go get her

Thanks Tony

"How come you wanted me to come back?"
"So I could talk to you, please sit"
"Talk about what?"
"Anything, tell me about yourself"
"My name is Natasha Romanoff, I'm 25 years old and I'm from New York"
"Wow what show are you auditioning for?"
That made us both laugh a little but there was still so much I wanted to know.
"How long have you known Wanda?"
"Since I was 5"
"That's a long time, I mean I've known Tony since I was 4 but no big deal"
I attempted to flip the long hair that I don't have which made her laugh.
"So Tony is a friend?"
"Yes, best friend, manager, father, everything"
"Your not actual"
"No no no he just acts like it"
"So two nobody best friends over 20 years turn into the two most talked about people?"
"I guess so"
"That's pretty cool, how old are you?"
"You don't know how old I am? I mean I guess that is good. I'm also 25"
"Twins, hold up one second your food is ready"
She really isn't a fan which adds to her perfection.
"Thank you so much, it looks amazing"
"Your welcome, anything else?"
"If there something that you are wanting to say?"
"Yes, can I be honest?"
"Go for it"
"You are beautiful, the most prettiest and most perfect girl I have ever met" she started blushing which made her even cuter.
"Thank you, am I supposed to say that you are cute too?"
"You think I'm cute too? Aw thanks" she reached over and slapped my fork out of my hand which startled me a little.
"Was that what you came here to say?"
"That and I had a question"
"Ask away"
"Will you go on a date with me? Dinner tonight, I'll pick you up"
"Let me think about it"
"Yeah... okay"
"I'm kidding yes that sounds wonderful"
"Oh really? You scared me"
"That's what I was going for silly"
"Can I give you my number so I can text you the details later?"
"I don't have my phone with me so I can give you mine instead"
"Okay perfect here"
"Tony really wants to talk to you"
"Oh yeah just ignore those"
"I can certainly do that, and by the way I'm free anytime after 3 but dinner would be after that anyway"

Did you get the date yet?

Hey Tony it's Nat

Oh hey Nat what are you doing here?

Giving him my number for our date later

So he did it?

He sure did

Thank god he hasn't shut up about you

Haha maybe now he will

"All set"
"Thank you for breakfast"
"Yeah no problem, let me get the check"
Today is about to be the best day ever. Hanging out with Nat twice in one day. Now I'm getting nervous though, I don't want to mess anything up.
"Here you go"
"Thank you"
"What should I wear?"
"Something nice but comfortable, here"
"I'll be right back"
What am I going to wear?
"Here you go, I'll see you tonight, what are you wearing just as a reference"
"Jeans and a polo shirt with white shoes most likely"
"Sounds good"
"See you tonight"
"See ya"
I left seeing her smile and not being about to contain mine because I'm that moment I was so happy.

I cleaned up his dishes and made my way for the kitchen where everyone was. I was trying to take the smile off my face so no one went crazy.
"What did a hot shot celeb like him want?"
"Just to talk"
"About what?"
"Ourselves, life"
"Nat he is the biggest celeb right now, you don't just casually meet him and become friends"
"Well I did"
"How? When?"
"At the signing event I went to with Wanda, we started talking and here we are"
"Marry him"
"Wha- why?"
"He brings money"
"Dad I'm not just going to marry someone because they have money"
"Here I am boss, and your life could be so different though"
"Well boss, if it makes you happy I'm going on a date with him tonight"
"Oh really, well that is progress"
"He is a real person you know, with feeling and a heart"
"And you see him in that way?"
"Of course"
"Okay folks we have a real shot"
"Oh my god, I think I just heard the door open, bye"
Steve has been the only person I have thought about for the last 24 hours and I think I may be falling in love. That phrase or word, love, is not something I use often but I know that this is love, for me at least.

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