c7- date number two

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I woke up before Wanda and noticed that I had gotten a text from Steve, a pretty long one actually.

Good morning beautiful, I don't know when you will see this but I want you to know that last night was the best night I have ever had. You looked so beautiful and I can't believe you are my girlfriend. I said beautiful twice hehe you can't stop me. I miss seeing you already and I love you so so so much.

He really is the absolute most bestest boyfriend ever.

I already miss your face too. Maybe we could hang out today. Am I going to wake up to paragraphs everyday? I'm not complaining, just wondering. I love you too.

I got up and started to make breakfast for Wanda and myself. She usually sleeps until 10ish and it's 9:45 so she should be up soon. I decided to make omelets because they sound good and we have lots of things to put into it. The eggs were cooking and then my phone went off, Steve responded.

The only way for you to not get a paragraph is if you wake up before me. I would love to do something today, if you want.

Of course I want to hang out with you. I don't usually wake up early so it looks like I will be getting paragraphs:)

Do you want to facetime?

I would love to

"There's that beautiful girl that I love"
"Shut up, I was thinking that maybe you could come over here for some dinner and a movie. I can cook"
"You can cook?"
"My Nat here is the best in the business"
"Hey you're up"
"Hi Wanda"
"Hello, is this for me?"
"Yeah all you"
"That sounds fun then, I'm down"
"Wanda is it-"
"I heard what you said and as long as you cook I'm fine"
"Perfect you can come over around 6 is you want"
"Sounds good, should I bring anything?"
"What am I making?"
"How about Nat's famous pancakes?"
"Nat's famous pancakes?"
"She is the best pancake maker I know"
"That sounds amazing"
"Could you pick up some fresh strawberries and blueberries before you come please?"
"Of course"
"Thank you"
"I will see you at 6 then, love you"
"Love you too"
After I hung up the facetime I turned around to see that Wanda had the biggest smile on her face.
"So we're saying I love you now?
"We are"
"And kissing?"
"And kissing"
"Aw I love it so much"
"I love it too"
"So what all happened last night?"
"Well we held hands a lot and the restaurant we went to was so incredible. Turns out his dad owns it and he was there so I got to meet him. We went behind the restaurant to this pond area with lights all around it and that's where all of the feelings and kissing happened"
"Did his dad like you?"
"He said I must be very special to Steve"
"Wow, that whole night sounds like a fairytale"
"It was"
"So... when's the wedding? I'm your maid of honor right?"
"We are only dating not engaged"
"Again, not yet"
"Not for a little while"
"But if he got down on one knee you would say yes"
"I would tell him it's too soon"
"Oh my god just admit that you want to marry him"
"Not going to happen"
"You are so stubborn"

time skip

I left my house early to go pick up the fruit and groceries. There was also a smile all over my face because I could not wait to see her and kiss her lips. She told me to get strawberries and blueberries but since this is breakfast themed I picked up some apple juice to drink. Her house was just as cute as it was yesterday and the big smile came back again. I had the bags in my right and knocked with my left.
"Hi" she jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, nearly knocking me over.
"Did someone miss me?"
"Of course I did"
"Hey Wanda"
"Hi, I just came to the food from you"
"Oh yeah here"
As Wanda walked away Nat started kissing my neck. She is so cute.
"I missed you too" now that my arms were free I could wrap them both around her. I had never realized how much smaller she was than me until now but that only made her cuter. She moved her head up where our eyes met and at the exact same time we both leaned in to kiss each other.
"My god, get a room"
"Shut up Wanda"
"As amazing as this is I really want to try Nat's famous pancakes"
"Okay, come in" she hopped down and walked inside I followed behind her to the kitchen. Everything else was ready so she got straight to cooking. The pancakes smelled amazing, I can't wait to try them. Plus I loved watching Nat cook, I could get used to this.
"The first batch is for the guest"
"What that's not fair"
"Yes it is, here Steve"
"Thank you" while Wanda started pouting I ate the pancakes and oh my god they were delicious.
"These are definitely the best pancakes I have ever had"
"I'm glad you like them" she gave me a little smile and I couldn't help but smile back.
We all finished eating and Wanda went to go pick out a movie while I helped clean up with Nat.
"Thank you for dinner"
"Thank you for cleaning up"
I walked over to where she was and hugged her from behind, she jumped a little bit turned around to face me. Neither one of us breaking the hug. Her small arms wrapped around my waist, her head just under mine, this whole night was just as perfect as last night. I kissed the top of her head and she pulled herself even closer to me.
"I found a movie"
They have a corner couch and Wanda was already laying on the part of the couch pointing at the tv, so we made ourselves comfortable on the other part. She was laying in front of me on the couch my right arm was under a pillow which was under her head and my left arm was over her waist, she scooted back a little bit to be even closer.
"Frozen 2?"
"Only the best"
"I can't argue with facts"
"What about you Steve, do you like Frozen 2?"
"It's better than the first"
"He's a keeper"

(There are no Frozen 2 spoilers in this story)

As the movie got started Nat started playing with my fingers and putting my hand in mine so I kissed the back of her head, she rolled over, looked at me and gave me a kiss and then went back to playing with my fingers and watching the movie. While this happened Wanda started singing which made Nat start laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"You singing"
"I'd like to see you try"
"Not going to happen"
"That's what you think"
The next few songs ended up turning into singing competitions between the two of them which was very entertaining for me. But then they both started getting tired and decided to call it a tie.
It took me until the scene where Elsa and Anna reunite to realize that both of them had fallen asleep. Actually as I was looking at both of them asleep Nat turned so she was facing me and cuddled her face into my chest. She was sound asleep and maybe one of the most peaceful sleepers I have seen. The remote was just on the floor right by the couch and my fingers could just barely touch it, I managed to turn the tv off. Just those slight movements made Nat move a little so I decided that I would just spend the night. Tony will go crazy tomorrow but right now I am right where I need to be, with the right person too. I wrapped both of my arms around her and not too long after I fell asleep.

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