c4- signing day 3

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sorry this chapter is so long but they get longer...

Yesterday I had a break after two days of meeting fans. Today's the last day but I'm planning on staying in New York just to get away. There was nice peaceful quiet in my room until Tony came bursting through and wanted to have a full conversation.
"Pepper is going to fly out so we can all hang out for a bit"
"What time is it?"
"10:15 read a clock, you have to be ready and out of here in 30 minutes, breakfast in the way... so get up"
"I am up, what are we eating?"
I put on dark jeans, a plain white shirt and a green-tinted black jacket. With white shoes. After being rushed out of the house we went to Perkins for breakfast and arrived at their location at 11:30. When we were pulling into the lot they were already so many people and fans.

Wanda took forever to get ready even though this was her event, which meant that we were the last people in line. As we were arriving there are people everywhere, most of them seem crazy, making Wanda seem normal. The place this event was at was decorated so nicely, and I was admiring the sites and set up when I heard a really loud screams, what do you know, here comes Steve Rogers for the autographs. Fans in line we're going crazy. Then he started the signatures, each person got about two-ish minutes to talk to him and then had to go away to keep the line moving and prevent any crowding. It had felt like forever but was actually 10 minutes when he got there about 20 people finally almost done. The girl in front of me started crying so I knew that he was close. Then he was right in front of me.

I had made it to the last fan and she was gorgeous, everything about her, her fiery red hair and emerald green eyes, I hoped that I wasn't standing there as long as it felt. I was getting nervous almost to talk to her, feeling sweat on the back of my neck.
She smiled, even her smile was perfect.
"I'm Steve"
"I know you are, that's why I'm here silly" that made her laugh and again, even her laugh was perfect.
"Right, obviously" I could feel more sweat coming down my neck. "Uh... anyway the signature"
"Is this your favorite picture of me?"
"My friends favorite, I'm getting the autograph for her, she's the fan, not that I'm not a fan, you are great at what you do but I'm not like obsessed or anything" I could tell she was got nervous.
"I get it, you must be a really good friend then"
"I guess, she's signed up to get a picture as well"
"What's her name?"
"Wanda, I will remember that"
"We got here late so she's probably last"
"Thank you for this"
"Of course, I'm supposed to only talk to each fan for a max of 2 minutes but we have been here for 6"
"Oh well if you have to get going then I can leave"
"No, no it's all good, we have, well I have 10 minutes in between the scheduled autographs and pictures, so no rush, besides that's for fans which you aren't"
"Right, right exactly, that's a smart idea"
"You should tell Tony that he prides himself in coming up with that idea, he never lets me forget. Speaking of Tony he will probably come get me soon"
"Is that him?"
"Stevo, what are you doing?"
"Only he calls me that, I'm just talking"
"To who?"
"A "fan""
"Hi I'm Tony"
"Natasha, but everyone calls me Nat" her name is perfect for her, it's fits her "By the way I love how the event is organized" she let out a little laugh which made me laugh as well but Tony went on to talk about his greatness.
"Well I'm glad that someone appreciates what I put a lot of time and effort into, and it was lovely to meet you Nat but unfortunately I have to steal Stevie from you so he can go take some pictures"
"No big deal, say hi to Wanda for me"
"Of course"
She smiled and walked away, that smile is the best smile in the world.
"The looks i was seeing were different"
"What do you mean different?"
"I've never seen them before. Could she be your one in a million?"
"What... no"
"Just think about it. You seem to love her smile and her laugh, your face was glowing with happiness and you called her a "fan" which clearly means that she isn't"
"You are way too observant"
"I'm just saying... when will you see her again?"
"I don't know maybe never, but I will see her friend in a bit"
"Perfect, ask her friend for minor details, ooo get a last name"
"So we can look her up"
"I don't want to seem weird"
"You won't, her friend would probably love having her favorite celebrity asking about her friend"
"You know what I mean, ask subtle details then ask the Nat girl on a date"
"Maybe, or maybe she doesn't feel the same way about me and I'm making a fool of myself"
"No- that's not thinking positive"

Did I really just have a 6 minute conversation with the Steve Rogers? Oh my god. When other people were talking to him he just asked simple questions and moved on but with me he almost seemed, nervous, Steve Rogers, a celebrity being nervous around me. Wanda is going to flip when she finds out. It's not only that but he is cute up close and he has a really cute and nice personality to match. I could just be fooling myself though, and he doesn't even care about me.

I'm through 13 out the the 15 photo-ops and still no Wanda yet, so she must be last. Through every person I keep thinking about this Nat girl. I know nothing about her yet she has taken over my mind and heart. Finally it was the last fan and picture I had to take.
"Oh wow you are even more gorgeous in person"
"Well thank you"
"I'm Wanda"
"Wanda how are you?"
"Amazing because I'm talking to you"
"Aw, thanks, my day just got better too"
"Did you meet my friend earlier?"
"I did, Nat right?" I felt my face get light up and get hot, I hope that i wasn't blushing.
"Yes, do you like her?"
"I did, she is really nice... and beautiful"
"Would you want to date her?"
"Is she single?"
"Um... maybe actually"
"Do you want her number? She told me not to give it to you but if you want it then I will anyways"
"No that's ok... actually where does she work?"
"At a diner downtown why?"
"Wouldn't it be cuter if I surprised her at work instead?"
"Oh my god yes that it so cute!"
"How did... um how did you know i was curious about her?"
"You started blushing when you said her name"
"I wasn't sure if I did or not"
"It's okay"
"Shall we take a picture"
"Yes please"
"Well it was very nice to meet you Wanda, I hope that we meet again"
Wanda walked out and Tony walked in.
"Why are you smiling like a maniac again?"
"I found out more information"
"What did you find?"
"Where she works"
"And that is useful because?"
"I can surprise her at work"
"Your approach to love is very different from mine"
"...thanks I guess"
"I'm happy though if you are happy"
"I am very happy"
That was no lie, for once there was a person in my life that I would literally do anything for. Other than family and Tony of course. All I've been thinking about are her emerald green eyes matched perfectly with her fiery red hair. I have never seen that combination but on her it was a beautiful sight to see. Tony continued to talk to me on our way home but I was barely listening. Her voice was playing in my head louder than Tony's. Her voice was sweet and angelic, it could put you to sleep but in a good way. She really was perfect and I can't wait to see her again.

Wanda finally made it back to the car and was very smiley but honestly so was I.
"What happened with you?"
"I could say the same about you"
"You didn't give out my phone number did you?"
"No, I was going to though sorry but he didn't want it"
Oh... that hurt a little to hear but this helps me know that I was probably just fantasizing the whole thing in my head.
"He asked for something else instead but I'm not going to tell you because I want it to be a surprise"
"That's not fair"
"Oh yes it is and when he said tour name he started blushing, like hardcore blushing. It's crazy to believe that I'm talking about Steve Rogers, my idol and celebrity crush" Wanda had the most biggest gasp ever which made me nearly pee myself "he's in love with you"
"Huh, what, love?"
"Yes!! Totally"
"Wow... um, okay sure"
"He is in love with you. When you were getting the autograph and waiting in line we're they like shooing people after they got it?"
"Yes they were. It was like a small 2 minute max conversation, but mine lasted for 6 minutes"
"Holy mother of god your face just lit up just like his when you said that"
"What no it didn't"
"You are in love too, that's what his face looked like when he said your name"
"But he's a celebrity"
"That literally means absolutely nothing, that is just some lame excuse, but honestly you would be fine living a big, charmed, over the top life like that"
"No I wouldn't"
"You have the gorgeous face for it"
"Aw thanks"
We talked for hours on end about everything that happened and right before bed Wanda reminded me about the surprise that he had for me which was upsetting because she would not tell me. Over all though a fantastic day.

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