c10- happily ever after

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Surprise!!! I have one last chapter for all of you. This one is a very cute close to this story and super long... sorry but thank you so so so much for reading <3

*authors pov*

8 months later

Steve decided that he is going to spend the majority of his time in New York because that's where his family is. Nat has always lived with Wanda just like how Steve has always lived Tony. Since neither one of them wanted to move away from their friends, Steve and Nat decided that everyone would live at Steve and Tony's place. They all have been living there together for 5 months now.
Today was a very special day, July 22nd, their wedding day. The wedding was small, that's because they only invited close friends and family. Wanda was her maid of honor with Pepper as her second bridesmaid. Tony was the best man and only groomsman for Steve. Nat invited her dad and 3 people from work. Steve invited his dad, Maria and Sam. 12 people total.

Steve was extremely nervous but so excited all to all same time. Her has been waiting for this moment and the day when he can see her in a wedding dress.
"So Stevo, nervous?"
"Of course"
"Well she's going to say I do so no worries on that. Let's think about something else. Um... kids?"
"Really Tony, that's the topic that comes to mind"
"Sorry but do you?"
"I would love to see a little Nat running around the house but that is up to her"
"Respectful decision"
" she's going to look amazing, no better than amazing, perfect like always. The dress is going to fit her perfectly and glow just like her personality. Her hair matched with her eyes matched with the dress will be unstoppable" Steve was starting to tear up while talking " how did I get so lucky to find a girl like her. Someone who loves me so much that she wanted to marry me after dating for three days. I would do anything for her to be happy, anything, because she deserves it" Steve had tears rolling down his eyes, they were happy though, extremely happy.
"Was that part of your vow?"
"Some of it"
"Wow. You about had me tearing up. I have never, ever seen anyone love another person as much as you love Nat. Don't ever screw things up okay"
"I would never want to"
"Right duh, you said that in your speech"

Nat on the other hand was not nervous at all, for her there is nothing to be nervous about. She was going to be marrying the love of her life. Wanda and Pepper seem more nervous than her.
"Positive you aren't scared?"
"I was scared when on my wedding day. It's completely normal"
" guys I'm fine there's nothing to be scared of. I'm going to marry the love of my life. The man that would go to the ends of the earth for me, just to see a smile. Although we were only together for three days, I just knew that I wanted to spend every second with him. I was never a huge believer of love at first sight, until I met him"
"Yeah you definitely aren't nervous or scared"
"I'm happy"
The top of Nat's dress was simple, plunging v-neck that goes halfway down. About 3 inch straps, resting just barely on her shoulders. No sparkles or mesh just plain white. The bottom was also simple, white with gold flakes throughout. It was wavy flowing out beside her, going down to the floor. The veil to follow was lace and pretty long, stretching about 5 feet behind her. To hold the veil in place there was a gold, red and white flower crown to go over her head. Her hair was nothing fancy, just some loose curls with two French loose braids on both sides going backward to the base of the flower crown. Her makeup was a natural look nothing crazy. Her shoes were white and sparkly even though you can't see them very much.
Then the moment came, in five minutes Tony, Pepper and Wanda will go down the aisle followed by Nat. Steve was standing at the front altar waiting and talking to his dad.
"I can't believe my son is getting married. And to the most perfect girl too"
"Trust me dad I know"
"Tissues, I know you will need them"
"Thank you"
Music started playing and everyone turned around. Tony, Pepper and Wanda started walking down the aisle. Tony was in the middle with Wanda on the left and Pepper on the right.
"My little brother is growing up so fast"
"So is my older little sister"
Pepper and Wanda went off to the right while Tony went to the left and gave Steve a hug.
"I'm so proud of you"
"Thank you Tony"
Steve started tearing up because he knew what was to come. The song that Nat picked to walk down the aisle to started playing, it was the introduction song of Frozen 2. Nat and Steve watch that all the time. Steve didn't know that Nat did that so hearing it made him cry more. Then Nat emerged through the doors looking perfect and Steve lost it. He bent down into a squat position with his hands over his eyes. Nat continued to walk with her dad. She put her hand over her mouth and started tearing up but was also smiling.
"That man is so in love with you"
"Yeah I know"
"I love you so much"
"I love you too dad"
Nat moved up to Steve and picked him up by the shoulders. When he took his hands off of his eyes she could see the pure joy in his face. She was still smiling at him and reach your hand out and wipe the tears from his face. He grabbed her hand and continue to hold it as they turned to start the wedding.
" do you really beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff joining together for life. They are going to create the happiest of memories. Something that the two of them have decided to do is have this bottle of wine, that is empty, from their first date" they both looked at each other and smiled "there are notes inside this bottle, ones that they have written each other and will share on their 5th anniversary" the pastor put the cork in the bottle and placed it behind him "now they have both written vows to read aloud, who is going first?"
"I will, if that's fine"
"Go for it"
"Natasha Alia Romanoff, I don't even know where to start... you are-" he could barely talk because he was crying and fighting back tears at the same time "sorry, you are... the most perfect girl... I.. have ever met. Nobody compares to you. I don't- know how I got so lucky to have someone like you. When we first met- ... I was star struck, so speechless that I introduced myself to you at my own event. You immediately be-came my everything. I thought about nothing else and no one else- until I saw you the next day. You were sarcastic which scared me but it made you laugh so I didn't care. I'm so glad- that I found someone who wanted to marry- me- after only 3 days of dating. I would do anything... and everything to see you smile and be happy because you deserve it- you deserve- everything... I love you so— much" Nat had started crying as well and she held Steve's hand to calm him down.
"I can't compete with that but here- we go. Steven Grant Rogers, you are the absolute love of my life... I wouldn't want to call anyone else my husband. Yes teasing you was very fun but so was getting to know you. From the beginning you were honest and open. Nervous as well for sure and I am happy to say that yes you are cute" that made Steve smile "I could see how much you cared. On our first date when we were riding in the fOrbidden corvette and you told me the story behind it i was extremely honored. To know that a girl you just met 24 hours ago is already riding in something that no one has ever rode in meant a lot to me. There were times throughout the date where I thought, may I'm holding your hand too much but I still did it the whole time anyway. Growing up and even just before we met— .... sorry" he squeezed her hand "I never really- believed in love at first sight.... but then when I went to a fan event as a "fan" I knew that you were the one. I did try to play the feelings off though because you were Steve Rogers and I was just a girl who works at a diner but now you have become my Steve Rogers. You have changed.... my life- tremendously and although you still have a lot to learn about cooking, spending my life with you will be the best thing- I could ever ask for" they were both crying and holding hands. Surprisingly Tony was also crying, along with nearly everyone else.
The pastor moved on and talked for about 5 more minutes, then it was time for the rings. Pepper had been holding them, she came forward and gave the rings to them.
"You may give each other the rings" after putting the rings on each other's ring finger they continue to hold hands and face each other "now, do you Natasha Romanoff take Steve Rogers to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold through thick and through thin till death do you part?"
"Of course I do"
" and do you Steve Rogers take Natasha Romanoff to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold through thick and thin, till death do you part?"
"Obviously I do"
"then by the glorious power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride" Nat put her arms around his neck and he put his hands on her hips, and they kissed through a smile.
Everyone began clapping and cheering, the two walked back down the aisle past everyone, Tony, Pepper and Wanda followed. The rest of the people that were there watching followed after that and watched Nat and Steve get into the corvette and Tony, Pepper and Wanda got into a different corvette. Nay and Steve were going to stop at home first though.
When Nat and Steve arrived at home they immediately went up to their bedroom so Nat could change. She had gotten a dress to match the bridesmaids dresses and then it was short so she could dance at the reception. Steve helped Nat get out of her wedding dress and get ready.
"I can't believe you are my wife"
"Believe it Steve because this is how everything will be now" he bent down and kissed her on the head. She turned around and stood up, since they were already close when she was sitting this meant that their faces nearly touched. Steve bent down and kiss Nat on the lips, of course she did nothing to stop him and they began to make out for a little bit.
"You are the best wife Nat"
"And I couldn't ask for a better husband" they kissed one last time and then went back to getting her ready.

7 hours later

The reception went great everyone danced and partied and had a great time. Now they were back at home and definitely tired, ready for bed. Steve was already laying under the covers in bed scrolling through Disney+ trying to find something to watch. Nat was finishing up washing her face and getting ready for bed.
"Any preferences?"
"On a movie or show?"
"Okay then we'll watch Frozen 2"
"Okay" that movie reminded her of the first time they ever slept together.
She got in bed with him and cuddled up close. She decided to lay on top of him. Her head just under his chin and her arms down at her sides. His arms wrapped around her and was rubbing her back.
"I love you Steve"
"I love you too Nat"
"Goodnight" he kissed her head and then she fell asleep.

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