The Cycle Begins

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The streets of Pentegram City looked like it was the coming of Cathulu! Denizens were found getting roughly intimate with each other even starting random orgies like mindless animals, while others who didn't partake just walked on, minding their business like nothing was happening. What the fuck was going on? Well thankfully the 666 News was playing on every screen in Hell giving out every detail of the event.

"Well folks it seems to be quite active on Hell's streets." Said a cheerful Katy Killjoy with her gigantic fake smile.

Tom Trench then spoke with similar gusto. "That's right Katy! All over citizens are getting down and dirty with a sudden case of Lustlorne fever!"

"As confirmed by the king himself..." Katy informed as a picture of Lucifer showed up on the screen. "...the seven- day-long cycle that effects the mortal souls of lust--known as the Lustlorne cycle--has reared its ugly head this era and many have already fallen victim to its influence." When the close up of anchordemoness went back out Tom was no longer in his seat. Katy then poured boiling hot coffee onto the floor in front of her lap causing a shrill scream to erupt from under the table. Tom stood from the space between his news partner's legs and gracefully slid back into his seat as he dripped with coffee.

"Heh-heh! Seems to be getting to me as well!" He chuckled painfully while Katy continued smiling without faulter. She then continued the newscast. "To everyone who's pussying out of the affair you might want to stay in doors and away from any backrooms or alleyways, the next six days are gonna get steamy and violent." The mantis-like demoness said sinisterly with an ominous squint of her large red insect eyes.

Tom then continued as he descreetly nursed his broken pride. "So stay safe and away from any moaning and screaming [unless you're into that] and stay tuned for more updates this morning on 666 News!" Soon after that statement Tom dropped to the floor rolling around and crying like a bitch from the throbbing pain of the still burning coffee while Katy just continued smiling. "OH GOD IT BURNS! *SOB*" Just then the camera shut off and cut to intermission.

Husk heard enough of the news to understand the bulk of the situation as he wiped a glass clean with a cloth. All the while he ignored the swarms of demons crowding his bar as well as the rest of the hotel lobby. He served the bastards their alchohol and ignored the frisky couples and groups while also growling and shooting angry looks towards those stupid enough to try doing it on his bar counter. Niffty darted around cleaning the hotel lobby spotless even sweeping some of the guests with her duster oblivious to the sexual misconduct. She squeezed and ducked under guests and found her way around the lobby easily enough getting every nook and cranny of the hotel lounge, however she was being more thorough than usual.

At first Husk paid no mind to it until the seemingly weak little bug effortlessly lifted the entire bar and swept her feather duster underneath it making all the filthy patrons that fornicated on it tumble off and land painfully onto the hard floor. This was the point where Husk got concerned. "Uh Nif what're you doing?" He asked. The sweet little cyclops just giggled and responded happily as if the question was a funny joke. "Tee-hee! I'm cleaning silly!" She then dropped the bar and continued her work elsewhere but close enough to hear her coworker.

"Yeah but why are ya cleaning so much more than usual?" He clarified. "Charlie asked me to for the party!" She answered honestly while still dusting. The grumpy chimera growled at this as his paw slide down his face. Of course this was about that shitty party that Charlie wanted to throw. A once in a living mortal lifetime event that causes sinners to fuck like angry jack rabbits, and gradually become more vicious and violent every day until the cycle ends is not something to celebrate in his oppinion. What the fuck kind of rainbow-fucking-fairyland was that bitch living in? 'Next thing you know she's gonna wanna have parties for the exterminations.' He thought as he took a swig of cheap booze.

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