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Hey, my name is Nessa, and I'm around 62 years old (But thanks to my father and grandfather, I inherited the lifespan of a dwarf, which is pretty young since I could live up to 300 Years. So in human years, I am between 20 and 30 years old). I have long brown hair which falls straight down my back. My eyes are leaf green with a little grey mixed within them. Talking about my height is not a great idea since I would refuse to say I am either small or tall. I am something in between, and thanks to my mother's elvish ancestors, I could hear and see just like them. Sadly, my mother passed away when I was very young, which broke my father, leading to his demise a few years later. Since then, I have fought for my survival. Luckily, Lord Elrond took me under his wing and taught me how to fight with a sword, bow, and arrow until I was old enough to fight for my own again, but he told me that I was always welcome in Rivendell. Now, 30 Years later and after a long journey around Middle Earth, I was on my way to the Shire to meet with Thorin Oakenshield and his group of dwarfs to go on a quest to reclaim Erebor, the dwarf kingdom far east. I haven't been there yet, but I wanted to know what it looks like. It was Gandalf, the grey wizard, who asked me to join them. It was a great opportunity for me. Now I was in the shire riding my beautiful black stallion called Brego to find the Hobbit's home where we should meet. It wasn't easy since it was already dark. Only a few houses were lit from the inside. All the Doors were round and a little hidden inside a hill, which was the natural living of Hobbits. Just as I was about to give up, I saw a beautiful Hobbit house with a green door and a glowing symbol. This door was on a mountain, so Brego and I made our way up a street until we arrived at the little front yard. I dismounted Brego and tied him to the fence next to a group of Ponys. Before I walked towards the House, I took my Bags from the saddle; with my bags over my shoulder, I walked through the gate and up the stairs to the front door. I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door of the hobbit's home. After a few minutes of silence, the door opened, and a hobbit looked at me confusedly. "Good Evening Master Hobbit. Nessa at your Service," I said with a  bow. "Good evening, Bilbo Baggins, at your service," he replied with a little bow. "Am I the first?" I asked. "Uhm, no, they are all in the dining room," he replied. He stepped aside, and as I passed him, I looked around the house he was living in. While g, I removed my cloak and removed it from my shoulder. Bilbo led me to one of the other rooms, where I saw some Dwarfs sitting around a large table. One of the dwarfs who sat on the head of the table turned around as I approached them with Bilbo next to me. "Who is this Gandalf?" he asked the man next to him; with a closer look, I saw Gandalf sitting in a corner of the tiny room. "Ah, Nessa, I'm glad you made it; I wasn't sure if you would come," he replied with a little smile. "Thorin, may I introduce you to our final member of the Company? This is Ness, a friend of mine who will join us on this quest," Gandalf said. Thorin growled a bit but agreed, which led to Bilbo, who was supposed to join the quest as well. "Give him the contract," Thorin said towards one of the dwarfs, who got up and passed a Parchment to Thorin; he passed it along to Bilbo, who took it and stepped away to read. "Total's cash on delivery, up to but not exceeding one-fourteenth of total profit, if any.' Seems fair. Uh...' The present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof, including, but not limited to...lacerations. Evisceration." Bilbo said, looking towards us. "Incineration?" Bilbo asked. "Oh, aye, he'll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye." One of the dwarfs replied he had a funny hat on. "You alright, laddie?" The dwarf asked who gave Bilbo the Contract. "Huh? Yeah, I feel...I feel a bit faint." he replied. "Think furnace, with wings." the Dwarf added, which made it worse. "I...I...I need air." Bilbo said, puffing and breathing heavily. "Flash of light, searing pain, then poof! You're nothing more than a pile of ash!" The dwarf said without noticing the look I gave him, trying to stop him from talking. With a worried look towards the Hobbit, I saw Bilbo clutching his hands on his knees. "No," Bilbo said and fainted on the ground before me. "Oh, very helpful, Bofur," Gandalf said to the hatted dwarf and got up. "I got it, Gandalf," I said; I stepped forward and picked the Hobbit up. He was heavy, but I happily carried Bilbo to a seat and sat him down. "Thank you, my dear; you can go back to the others," Gandalf said, who followed me.

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