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Thorin released my lips and smiled, I turned my back to him, Thorin slung his arms around my waist. "You know you'll be queen when we reclaimed our Kingdom," Thorin whispered into my ear. "This sounds so weird, being queen I mean," I whispered back. "But I don't know if I want to be," I added a bit worried. "Why? I want you by my side and If I get to be King, you will become my Queen." Thorin said. "Please Thorin, we arent at the Mountain jet, still we have a Dragon between us. Let's talk when Smaug is dead or gone. Okay?" I asked, Thorin nodded but noticed a slight change in the motion of his face. Shit, I screwed up I thought when I turned my head to the side of the ship, just then I noticed the tear in my eyes and the wind, ice-cold making my tear freeze on my face. "Yer alright laddy?" Balin asked who stepped beside me. "No, I'm kinda worried about Thorin," I told him. Quietly I told him about what Thorin and I talked about Minutes ago and about the slight motion change. Balin was about to speak but Thorin cut us off. "Quit chatting, Bard said you have to get into the barrels." He ordered. "Why?" Dori and Bofur asked at the same time. "Just do it." Thorin barked. "We don't have enough barrels," I said when I noticed that all the barrels were full. "Come here," Bard said walking to the back of the barge. "Lay down here and stay as quiet as possible." He told me when he lifted an old blanket. "You got to be kidding me," I growled to myself. Bard moved around the barge when I heard the Dwarfs growl, I risked a peek and saw that somebody had thrown fish on top of the dwarfs inside the barrels, making me giggle. "Quiet now, we approach the main gate," Bard told us. I heard Bard talking to another man but I stayed hidden underneath the blanket. A third man joined the conversation but left after a few minutes. I peaked out and saw a douchy-looking dude with three guards on the deck, I quickly hid back when the barge started moving, I was able to see Houses passing us, it was beautiful in this little town. I had never been here, so it was a beautiful experience. "You can come out," Bard said a few minutes later, I removed the blanket and saw that we stopped away from the front gate. "Who was that douche?" I asked him. "You mean Alfrid," Bard replied with a grin. "Yeah he's the town masters secretary, filthy guy, I don't like him," Bard told me while he tipped one of the barrels over. I grabbed the barrel next to it when Dwalin stuck his head out. "Buuh." I giggled when he looked at me. "I thought you were him," he said and I smiled. "Nope," I told him with a smile before I walked to Bilbo who was on the round of the barge, slowly all of the other dwarfs emerged from their barrels grumbling about the smell of fish. "You didn't see them, they were never here. The fish you can have for nothing." Bard told a fisherman who was at the dock nearby passing him a gold coin. He turned around to us. "Follow me," he whispered towards us. I pulled up my cloak which survived a lot and I was so thankful to still have it. We followed Bard through the city when a boy came running towards us. Right away I went into attack mode but before anything could happen, Bard calmed me down. "Easy, it's just my boy," he mumbled. "Da, our house! It's being watched," he called towards his father. "The Master," he growled. "What should we do?" His son asked. "I know what we should do," Bard replied. Thankfully my Luck didn't leave me again, while Bard sends the dwarfs through the water I followed Bard and his son through the little town to a house. I climbed up to a window which was on the other side of the house. While I waited for Bards' son to let me inside I stayed hidden until finally the window opened and Bards Son looked outside. "Hey Kiddo, watch out," I called quietly and jumped from the roof on the wall to the window. "Cool." the boy said, I gave him a big smile before I walked towards the stairs and down where I got greeted by Bard and the dwarfs. "Ah, the last one is in very well." Balin greeted me, Thorin walked towards me, he stretched his hand out which I took, and together we joined the company around the table. "I'm sorry what I said to you on the boat." Thorin whispered into my ear while we tried to plan the next part of our journey. "hon, it's fine OK I don't want to fight." I quietly to him, just then I noticed how tired I was. "Go and rest a little while we will make a plan." Thorin told me and I nodded. Beard showed me where his two girls slept. "You can sleep here." he told me, I thanked him and after I got rid of my cloak I laid down on the couch next to the two beds inside this tiny room.

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