holding on to you

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                             ITS WEDDING DAY
Dereks POV
today I was going to marry a women who wasn't Meredith...the wedding was later today so we still went to work...I was on my way to the surgical board as I see rose talking to meredith *i start to wonder what their talking about I'll soon find out*
"You wanted to talk to me rose"
"I did...it's about the wedding"
"yess it's tonight!! I'm happy for you!"
"are you really happy for us?"
"look all I wanted was for Derek to be happy and it looks like he found the one so yes I truly am I happy for both of you.."
"Meredith I love Derek...and I know he loves you he never stopped loving you...I really want him and I to get married so please I need to ask you a favor-"
"you don't want me at the wedding-"
"that's what u wanted to tell me"
"yes...I'm sorry but I'm afraid-"
"no I get it rose...and I still wasn't sure I was going but you just rearranged my afternoon...congratulations I'm happy for both of you!! goodbye" *i walk away that conversation was so stupid*

Derek walks up to rose after Meredith leaves
"Why were you talking to Meredith"
"it was about the wedding...I'm exciteddd"
"What does Meredith have to do with our wedding"
"well Meredith was invited but-"
"was?...she is invited"
"yeah about that"
"you uninvited her?!"
"she was very understanding-" Derek storms of and leaves

Dereks POV
I'm trying to find Meredith so I can talk to her and apologize for what rose said to her...finally I found im her she was at the main nurses station
"Hey mer can I talk to you"*she wasn't looking at me*
"yeah, what about" *she turns around and all I want to do is kiss her but I can't*
"I wanted to talk about all the nonsense rose told you"
"It wasn't nonsense..she has a point I shouldn't be their...and it's her wedding too and any women should get to choose who she wants at the wedding and who she doesn't want"
"Meredith I want you their-"
"Derek...rose just helped me out because I didn't know how to tell you that I didn't want to go.."
"look I gave you my blessing but I can't be their...go be happy derek"
*derek was about to answer to what she said but a intern interrupted*
"Dr.Grey do you still want me to book your flight for today" said the intern *meredith was going to leave(not permanently just like a vacation) she was going to go to Switzerland to visit Cristina*
"yes book it now please!" Answered Meredith
"your leaving"
"yes...not permanently just for the weekend"
"I found this weekend a great weekend to have a little fun...mostly because-"
"because you don't want to be at the wedding"
"look derek I don't want to hurt rose and I want to respect her wishes...now go get dressed into your suit...congratulations! *i hug him and leave"

Meredith went back home packed a tiny suitcase and headed to the airport her flight was still an hour from now it she wanted to be their early
Derek POV
I was in my bedroom getting ready and putting on my suit I was so confused and...I felt strange like I didn't even recognize myself, but I was just ready to get this over with
*at the wedding*
I see rose coming down the aisle she's so beautiful...but
merediths POV
Dereks wedding has just started and...just my luck my plane got delayed for hours...I decided to leave I called in to cancel my flight and left...I drive to drop of my suitcase at my empty house cus everyone was at the wedding...including Alex because jo wanted him to go with her...so I just drove to joes bar
*back at the wedding*
Rose doesn't deserve me...I kept telling that to myself...this whole time I've been looking at her with my eye while the priest(or whatever) was talking and I just kept wishing that the women I looked at would've been meredith...
*they asked us to hold hands*
"rose *whatever her last name is* do you take derek Christopher Shepherd to be your husband through sickness and health till death due y'all apart" asked the priest
"I do!*she smiled*"
"Derek Christopher shepherded do you take rose to be your wife through sickness and health till death due y'all apart" asked the priest *derek was hesitating* *what he needed to say was I do, but that's not what he said*
"I-um...I don't...rose I'm sorry" said Derek
"YES MERDER FOREVER GO GET HER DEREK!"screamed out Callie then she shut up cus Arizona asked her too*lol*
*derek then went driving to his car he didn't care about the judgements he just wanted to be with the women he loves*


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