letting you go

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dereks POV
Tears dropped as I finished reading her note! I couldn't move I just couldn't move a single bone in my body... I never meant for any of this to happen. I never meant to make my wife feel like a dream wrecker or someone useless in my life. I was wrong...that trial wasn't my everything...Meredith was my everything, in that case I was going to sign the divorce papers. It hurts me so much to do it but I brought her in this mess and she had the right to leave.I grab my pen from my lab coat and sign the papers I have an intern run them back to the mail so they can get shipped off and finalized. I never thought I would get a divorce again...but if Meredith left, that means I can get a fresh start with someone. I felt like I was being selfish at the moment for already thinking of starting something new with someone else, but maybe Meredith is right maybe I just need someone who gets me who gets right to wrong...

Merediths POV
I was working at the hospital and I kept thinking about Derek about how he reacted...thinking if he signed them or not...that's when I get a call!
"Hey Meredith it's daisy, your lawyer"
"yes daisy! what do you need"
"i don't need anything I just wanted to inform you that the divorce papers are being shipped back to me derek signed them so as soon as I get them back the divorce will be finalized!"
*merediths heart dropped she stood in silence with her phone placed in her ear*
"Meredith are you still their"
"um-I- yes I am thank you daisy um I have to go" she ends the call...
I run to a empty on call room and I lock the door I start crying and crying...I know that this is what I wanted. I wanted him to sign them but it hurt so much because he's the only one I wanted to be with, I know derek...and I know that he's going to move on and actually find someone new I can feel it! So I decided to be happy for him in my mind...I'll do the same I'll find someone too!! I just hope this isn't a mistake

*time flies by after they finalized the divorce (1 year) as for Meredith she has been focused in her work very focused that she got a neuro position at Hopkins ...she never thought she could specialize in two things she was beyond grateful! She's tried to move on but it hasn't been going so good*
Merediths POV
I was on my way to a general surgery meeting and well I was waiting for Alex because PEDS surgeons also had to come! I wondered what this meeting was going to be about... me and Alex we're sitting down waiting for the meeting to start they announced that it was a new PEDS Surgeon coming to work here.
"$5 bucks that he's old"
"your on $20 I say he's gonna be good looking and hit on you"
*they shake hands*
the meeting started the chief welcomed him..
"Dr. Cormac hays come on in and introduce yourself" said the chief
I guess I now owe Alex $20 because dr.hays is indeed handsome-Meredith thought to herself...
"well as the chief said I'm dr.hayes I previously worked at klausman institute...I partnered up with cardiothoracic surgeons to operate on kids.greatest experience of my life I got to work with Dr.Yang and so many other amazing doctors,but it was time for a change and that's when I decided to come here I'm beyond excited to meet everyone and to work here thank you!" Everyone applauded
"I cannot believe it he knows Cristina!!!!"
"hey pay up-mer don't turn around he's coming our way"

"Hi Cormac Hays nice to meet you" he shakes Alex's hands
"Dr.Alex Karev pleasure is mine"
*he walks over to me*
"you must be Dr.Grey"
"Yes nice to meet you *she has a smile in her face*"
"I've heard so many great thing about you and I'm excited to work with you Dr.Grey" he stares into her blue eyes and just can't look away until the chief calls him over
"well I have to go hope to see you around!"
"he's totally into you"
"shut up Alex"

Merediths POV
I haven't felt this way in so long could I actually be falling for him...he made me feel something I haven't felt since derek...who knows maybe it's just me! Later on that day I was in the attending lounge making coffee and of coursee dr.hayes walked in
"Meredith hey"
"hi dr.hayes"
"call me cormac"
"alright then*i smile*"
"So is this a great state to live in"
"I wouldn't know that much I've been here for not so long"
"Where did you used to live before"
"Seattle...I worked at Seattle Grace Mercy West"
"mhmm your the twisted sister"
"excuse me"
"yang mentioned she had a twisted sister back in Seattle...she showed me a picture of you and I recognized you instantly"
"Instantly really? you didn't forget"
"You don't see a gorgeous face like that everywhere so of course I didn't forget" he smiles at her
"so what's your story?"
"well I was married but just different career paths it just didn't work what about you?"
"same...different expectations we just couldn't rise above"
"I'd like to know you better Meredith outside the hospital what do you say dinner tonight...my treat"
"i wouldn't miss it...see you tonight" she walks away with a smile on her face

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