~Chapter 1~

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Warning you now, there is bad spelling and grammar, and this whole book is bad. Read at your own risk.

*Sam's p.o.v*

I woke up to another day of misery; to another day of school. I mean, school isn't that bad. I have just been having a hard time.

About two weeks ago, I had a huge fight with some of my friends. Well, I thought they were my friends, but I was wrong. Let me tell you what happened...

Two weeks ago, I was hanging out with my friend group, which included, Corey, Jake, Katrina, Devyn, Tara, and Brennen. I wanted to tell them something; I wanted to tell them that I was gay, which I did. And to my surprise, they all started telling me that "being gay is a sin", "gay people should go die" and many other hurtful and rude things like that. Well, not all of my friends did that.

Corey and Katrina were the only ones that supported me. They helped me stand up to Jake, Devyn, Tara, and Brennen. Now, they just bully me, especially Brennen. He is the worst of them; he always punches me, shoves me into lockers and so much more. The other 3 just tease me, and shove me around a little.

Almost every night now, I go to this abandoned waterpark, on my own with only a flashlight. I  sit at the highest peak of the park, and just look at the amazing view it has, Always wishing that all of my problems would just disappear. But sadly, that's not how life works.

I arrive at my school, trying not to be seen by Jake, Devyn, Tara or Brennen. It's going to be hard cause I have my first class with Jake, but, on the plus side, Corey is also in my class.

I see Corey as soon as I get to my locker. Quickly, I grab my books, and go over to him.

"Hey!" I say happily to him.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Not much. Have you seen Kat today?" I respond.

"No, not yet. I'm guessing you haven't either, then?"

"Nope..." I said just as the bell rang.

"Ready for h*ll?" He asks before we head to our first class.

"Never been more scared," I said. We just laughed, then ran to the class.

We sit down in our seats, Corey beside me, and to my luck, Jake on the other side.

"Hey! Golbach!" He whisper yells at me, I just ignore him and focus on the lesson.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you, d*ckhead!" He said as he flicked my head. We are sitting in the back of the class, so basically, no one can see what he is doing.

"Leave him alone!" Corey hissed at him. I continued focusing on the lesson.

"No! This piece of gay sh*t, needs to be treated the way every gay sh*t should be!" Jake snapped.

The three of us didn't say a word to each other for the rest of the lesson. But, outside of the classroom is different. Very different.

The bell rings, and I run out of the room as fast as I can. I am stopped by Brennen, blocking my locker. I turn around to try and go the other way, but I get stopped by Jake. I turn my head left, and right, and see Devyn and Tara. There is no one in the hallways cause everyone went to their next classes. So it was just me, and my doom...

Hi! If you're wondering why I am making a new story, my other got deleted for some reason, so I am making a new story! I hope you like it!!! Bye!! <3

Word Count- 642


I am currently trying to edit all of the grammar and spelling mistakes in this cause it sucks😂

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