~Chapter 4~

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*Sam's p.ov*

When I got home, I texted Corey and Kat to come over, they were over within 10 minutes. I don't know why, but we decided to talk outside...

"Sam, why did you call us?" Corey asked, sounding worried

"And why does it look like you've just finished crying?" Katrina then pointed out, also sounding worried

"So, I go to this place like almost every night, and today, there was someone else there today. He said that his name was Colby. We were getting along just fine, we exchanged numbers, (When I said that, I saw Corey and Kat glance at eachother, but I just ignored it)  then I saw the time, I yelled, then he got scared and asked me what's wrong. I told him that we have been there for over 2 hours. Then." I started tearing up  "He hit my shoulder."

"No he didn't..." Corey and Kat said at once ((smfh🤦‍♀️))

I nodded.

"Hey guys? There is a car pulled over there, and I think the person in it is looking at us." Katrina said, pointing at the car

I look, just as the car is driving away, and I swear, I saw a glimpse of Colby.

*Colby's p.o.v*

I woke up at 5:30, so I decided to have a shower. Once I got dried off, I picked out my clothing.  I got a black beanie, a black sweatshirt, black sweatpants, and my white Converse

After I finished eating, I grabbed my backpack, and skateboard, then headed of to school, since it was already 7:15, and my school started at 8:30. I had to be there a bit earlier so people could show me around.

I arrived at the school at 7:30 and went to the front doors. There I was greeted by the principal, and these 4 other students.

"Hello there Mr. Brock!" The principal said

"I am Mr. Collins, your principal" He then told me

"And these students have gladly agreed to show you around!"

I smiled at them. And not gonna lie, one of them was kinda cute

"I'm Devyn!" She seemed nice

"I'm Tara!" She also did

"Whats up! I'm Jake!" He seemed pretty cool

"Brennen" He's the cute one. When he said his name, he winked at me. I could feel my heart start to melt a tiny bit

"What's your name?" Brennen then asked

"C-Colby" I said, smiling and trying not to blush.

'Oh God. I feel like Sam now. Why did I reminded myself about him!? He hates me, and I don't know why, and now I don't like him.'

"Uhm Mr. Brock? Are you ok?" I snapp back into reality as the principal was calling my name

"Oh, Uhm, yeah sorry" I said

"Well, shall we get on with the tour then?" Brennen said clapping his hands together

We all nodded, then the four of them, showed me around the school, and they showed me where my locker was. It was beside Brennen's so I was kinda happy about that.

After that, I showed them my schedule. First class I have with Jake which is math, second I have with Tara and Devyn which is science, third, I have with Brennen which is programming, fourth, I have with all four of them which is gym, and my last class, I have the four of them again, and to my surprise, Sam goes to this school, he is in almost all of my classes, except for fourth period. I was kinda sad, don't know why. For 5th period, I don't have any classes, neither does Sam apparently.

I got to know the four of them pretty well, we are basically best friends already. We are all talking, when all of a sudden, a bunch of students came in. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for classes. So, Jake and I head to the first class, Math. And right when I walk in, I see.

Hellooooooo humans!!! I hope you liked this chapter! It's longer this time! Sorry for those individuals that don't like Brobly, for example, myself and my sister! Idk why I'm including it. But I am!!!  Thanks for reading!!!

Word Count- 707

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