~Chapter 19~

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*Sam's p.o.v*

I got out of bed and started getting ready for school, I showered, got dressed, and ate breakfast. It was 6:45 by the time I was done everything, so I just waited for Colby to come.

It was 7:00 by the time he got here. "Finally!" I said when I saw him come in. "Sorry if I wanted to look good!" He said coming to sit beside me on the couch, "You always look good." I told him smiling "Thanks Sammy." Colby said returning the smile, then kissing me. Whenever we kiss, I feel fireworks go off in my stomach, and my heart races. I want moments like these to last forever, but sadly, they can't. After a few seconds we pulled away and stared at eachother, I broke the silence by saying, "I love you Cole Robert Brock," and looking in his beautiful blue eyes. He then said back, "I love you too Samuel John Golbach," looking me in the eyes as well.

We kissed again, then just watched some tv before we left for school at 7:45 and we got there by 8:00. "Colby, I'm scared" I said looking up at him since we was taller than me "Don't be, I will protect you" He said, squeezing my hand and looking at me in the eyes. We walked into school, and headed to the principal's office to ask if Colby could move lockers. "Why do you want to switch lockers Mr. Brock?" He asked "Brennen has been being rude to Sam and I, and has also been hurting Sam, so I don't really want to have my locker beside his just incase he hurts me" Colby told the principal, I just nodded as he was telling him. "Very well then" "Thank you so much Mr. Collins" Once Colby was done moving his stuff into the locker beside mine, we saw Corey and Kat walk in so we went up to them

"Hey guys!" Colby and I say "Hey!" Corey and Kat respond with "When did you guys get here?" Corey asked "like, 15 minutes ago" Colby said checking his phone "Can you come to my house and do the makeup again?" I asked Kat "oh yeah, of course!" She said "I'm gonna go my stuff into my locker, see you guys later!" She said, going to her locker "Yeah me too, see you guys in class!" Corey said heading off to his locker. Colby and I walk to our first class and Colby asks the teacher if he could change seats with Jake since he bugs me. I was happy when the teacher agreed.

"Mr. Golbach, if he ever bugs you again, tell me" The teacher told me, I nodded and sat quietly for the rest of the students to come in, which wasn't long. "What the f*ck Colby?" Jake said as he came in, "Just leave him alone Jake" Corey said as he passed by Jake's desk "No! He betrayed Brennen, Tara, Devyn and I!" He said angrily "How did I betray you guys?" "Because Colby, you left us for this loser and his loser friends!"  "What about you? What about you and your friends?" Colby started to say "You guys stopped being friends with Sam just just because he was gay!" Jake just looked at him, with an annoyed look on his face "What if I told you that one of your friends likes boys? Would you accept that person? Or would would you stop being their friend?" Was the last thing Colby said before he walked out of the room. The teacher was yelling at him to come back, we made eye contact and I mouthed to her if I could go after him, she nodded and I ran out of the room to try and find Colby.

Hey guys! This chapter is longer than my last few! Yaaa! Sorry, I'm weird. Anyways thanks for reading this chapter! Ilysm!!


Word Count- 666😂😂

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