~Chapter 12~

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*Sam's p.o.v*

"He's my boyfriend" Colby told the nurse. I went wide eyed, I told him to say whatever he wants, but I didn't think Colby was going to say THAT. I thought he was going to say that we were like best friends or something.

When the nurse finished writing things down on her clipboard, she gave me these pills to help me with stress and anxiety. She also told Colby to watch me very carefully, and to make sure that I'm safe.

"You are allowed to go back to school, but just try and stay away from other people, and whenever you feel stress or anxiety, take the pills. You are free to leave now" The nurse told Colby and I.

Once we got into Colby's car, and started driving, Colby said,  "Sorry I said that you were my boyfriend back there. I said the first thing that came in mind" Then I saw his eyes get a bit wider,  "Not that I want you to be a boyfriend, well I don't, like, we're friends, and I have a boyfriend and-" He started  "Colby, it's fine." I told him and gave him a small smile, he smiled back.  'Wait, did he say that he had a boyfriend?'

~~~The next day~~~

I woke up, kinda scared for today, but I just proceded with my normal morning routine; I had a quick shower, dried off, got dressed (I put on a white Vans sweatshirt, black pants, and a pair of checkerd Vans shoes), and then I had some toast for breakfast.

At at 7:45, Corey came to pick me up for school, Katrina was in the car with him. "Hey Sam!" They both said happily, I responded with, "Hi guys! What's up!?"  "Nothing much" They both responded with  "Are you exited to go back after a 2 day break?" Kat asked  "No, not a all. I have to face Brennen and Jake" I said annoyed, Corey and Kat looked at each other when I said Brennen's name, I don't know why though.

"Hey Sam?" Corey asked when we got to school "Yeah?"  "I've been texting you, why haven't you been responding?"  "Yeah, same here" Kat said  "Oh, Uhm. I think I might've lost my phone, and I don't know where" I said, looking down at my feet  "oh my goodness Sam, what are we gonna do with you?" Corey then said and we all laughed

*Colby's p.o.v*

This morning, I remembered that I had Sam's phone in my backpack before Brennen came to pick me up and take me to school. Hopefully I can actually remember to give it to him.   "Hey babe" I said as I got into Brennen's car,  "Hey Colbs! Uhm, is it okay if we keep it a secret that we're dating? Cause none of my friends know that I like boys... Well I don't only like boys, I'm a bisexual so-" I cut Brennen off by pressing my lips onto his, then I pulled away and said  "It's fine Brenn" We gave each other smiles, kissed again, then left for school.

Once we got to school, Brennen and I went to our lockers and grabbed our books for class, then we went our separate ways, Brennen went to English, and I went to Math, Jake also came with me.  Once we got into the class, I saw Sam sitting at his seat, talking to Corey,  "Oh Sh*t!" I yelled "I forgot something!"  I quickly ran back to my locker, went inside my backpack, and grabbed Sam's phone, and ran back to class.  "What the f*ck was that about?" Jake asked as I came back into the room, out of breath. "N-nothing" I said as I sat in my seat beside Jake

After class, once I saw Sam get up to leave, I walked towards him,  "Here" I said, handing him his phone, he looked shocked  "Wh-where di-did y-you f-find this?" Sam said as he took his phone,  "The day at the waterpark, when you were running from me, you dropped it" I told him  "Is that how you got my number?" Corey asked, probably overhearing our conversation, I just nodded at what he asked, then he walked away nodding...

"Wait! Di-did y-you g-go thr-through an-anythi-" Sam started to ask,  "No. I promise. But I was tempted to" I told him  "Hey! Colby! Why you talking to that ugly fag?" Jake said coming towards us  "Oh, uh, just teasing Stutters here" I then said quickly, and shoved Sam a bit so that Jake would believe me. I saw Sam's face go from happy, to sad, as Jake and I walked away, then I mouthed to Sam while Jake wasn't looking, and said  "sorry"  he just stood there with his head down...

'I'm sorry Sam. I don't know why I'm even doing this. I don't know why I'm continuing to bully people. I wish I could tell you the whole truth...'

Hi guys!!! Sorry I have only posted one chapter today, I might post another chapter tonight, not 100% sure though. Also, go check out this app called Quotev. It's like Wattpad, you can write stories, as well as make quizzes, surveys and polls!   Anyways, thanks for reading!! Ilysm!!


Word Count- 890

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