~Chapter 20~

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Dont ask☝️☝️

*Sam's p.o.v*

I ran out of the classroom and started looking for Colby, 'This is all your God d*mn f*cking fault Jake!'  I kept thinking as I searched up and down the halls, in the bathrooms, and cafeteria. I looked through the whole school, it was almost second period by the time I finished looking, Corey came out to find me, and asked, "Have you found him yet?" "No..." I said, but then I thought if something, "I have to leave" I told him "What?"  "I know where he is Corey! Trust me! I might be back, not sure though" I ran out of the school, and headed for the waterpark. If Colby wasn't there, then I don't know where he went.

It took me 10 minutes to get there, I was running and walking the whole time. I went to the one spot where he would be, and lucky enough, he was there. "Colby" I said approaching him. I think that I might've scared him cause he jumped a little, it was cute. "Sam, what are doing here?" "I came to look for you, I don't want to see you hurt. I will always be by your side" "Thanks Sam" "Anytime Colby" I said, pulling him into a hug. "Do you wanna go back to school?" I asked after a few minutes of us hugging. "Yeah, we need to, we've missed a lot of school for the past 2 weeks" We laughed as we walked to Colby's car and drove back to school.

*Colby's p.o.v*

When we got to school, lunch was almost over, so we went to class. I forgot that Brennen was in this class with us as well. Sam and I have almost all the same classes. For fourth period, I have Gym, and Sam has English, but last period, Sam and I don't have any classes so we get to hang out. Corey and Kat also don't have any classes then either, and I'm sad to say this, but Brennen, Jake, Tara and Devyn also don't have classes.

"Look who it is" Sam and I heard right when we walked in the room. We tried to avoid the voice and go to our seats, but we got stopped. "Answer me when I talk to you dumba*ses!" Brennen said to us, the teacher wasn't in the room so we couldn't do anything. "What do you want" I then said angry and annoyed "I want you to tell the whole school that you're gay" He said "Then I will tell the whole school that you're Bi" "You wouldn't" "Oh yes I would" I smirked, and Sam laughed "What are you laughing at you little fag?" Brennen snapped at Sam "Don't call him that!" I shoved Brennen "What the f*ck?" "Leave Sam alone" "Oh, are you protecting your boyfriend?" "He's not my boyfriend..." I say anger rising up in me "Colby, don't listen to what he says" "Oh Sam, Colby isn't going to listen to a fag like you, or will he ever love you" I couldn't take it anymore, I punched Brennen in the face, he got up and tried to punch me back, but I punched him back first. He ran out the room, with blood dripping down his face, I turned around, and Sam wasn't there anymore. I looked at my hands, and they had blood on them, now, it was my turn to run out of the room.

Helloooo! This chapter is kinda sad, I know, but things will brighten up :) Thanks for reading this chapter! Ilysm!


Word Count- 606

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