~Chapter 24~

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This is absolutely my favourite #solby edit! ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ I recommend watching it!
Also, I won't be doing an author's note at the end of the chapter like I normally do


*Colby's p.o.v*

Today was the day; today was the day that I was going to ask Sam to be mine. He was like my other half. No, he is, my other half. When I met Sam, I felt like a regained a piece of me that I had lost. I loved him so much, he was basically, "Everything I have"

I was picking Sam up at 5:30, and it was currently 4:00. I texted Corey and Katrina to tell them to head to the spot where I was going to ask Sam, so that they could set everything up.

I quickly had a shower, and then got dressed, I didn't put on anything fancy, just what I would normally wear. Sam texted me and asked what he should put on, and I told him nothing fancy.

It was now 5:15, so I got into my car, and drove off to Sam's. I'm going to take him out for dinner, then take him to a very special place; the place that had started this all.

I walked up to Sam's door, and knocked.  "Coming!" I heard him yell from I side. Within 5 seconds, we was outside.  "You look amazing" I told him, making him blush slightly, I just chuckled.  "Shall we go?" I held out my hand, and led Sam to my car. I opened the passenger side door for him,  "Thank you my kind sir" he said as he got in. I closed the door and got into the drivers seat, and we were now heading off to the first destination.

"Can you please tell me where we're going?" Sam asked for the 10th time.  "No! We're almost there, I promise!" Sam then made a frowny-face and crossed his arms. I let out a small chuckle. 

"Okay, we're here!" I said as I pulled into a restaurant.  "Isn't this place supposed to be expensive?" Sam asked. "Yes, but don't worry about it. Everything is on me."  "But Colby-" I cut Sam off by pressing my lips onto his, we kissed for a few seconds, then I pulled away.  "I said don't worry about it. Just worry about what I'm going to do to you later." I looked at him and saw that he went wide eyed.  "W-what do you m-mean?"  "I was joking! Now let's get inside, I'm hungry!"

Sam and I got to our seats, we were sitting near a window, and the view outside was absolutely beautiful.

"What can I get for you two gentlemen to drink?" I heard the waiter ask.  "Just water for me" Sam said.  "And for you?" The waiter then asked.  "Water for me as well, thanks" I told him.  "I will be back shortly."

"What do you want to eat?" I asked Sam.  "Oh, uhm, not sure yet. All this stuff is expensive" He responded. "Sam, I would spend a million dollars on you if I had to." Sam looked at me, blushing slightly, with a smile creeping up on his face. "Thank you Colby." He said, grabbing a hold of my hand.  "For what?" I asked, slightly confused. "For everything! Thank you for everything you've done for me, and helped me with. I can't thank you enough, Colby."  "I love you Sammy."  "I love you too, Colbs"

The waiter came with our waters, and we ordered our food. Sam got spaghetti, and I got lasagna. The pasta here is supposed to be really good.  We waited a good hour before our food came. It was now 7:00.

I got a text from Kat asking when we were going to get to the destination, I responded with:

Soon, we are just finishing up eating

"Who was that?" I heard Sam ask. "Oh, uh, no one." I don't think that he believed me, but he didn't ask any more questions, which was good.

"Colby! Why'd you have to pay!" Sam whined as we approached my car. "Because, I was the one that asked you out!" I chuckled. Sam was upset because I spent 150$.  "Now, I have one more place to take you." I told him as I started the car.  "Where are you taking me this time?!"  "You will see, but first, put this on."  I handed Sam a blindfold, and he put it on.  Within 5 minutes, we arrived. I texted Katrina and told her that we were here;  the waterpark

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