Chapter 3

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-Akiko's POV-

I jolted up off the grass. The ground split as a bang came from the arena. It had only been around half an hour after I had fallen asleep.

'It must have come from one of the fights.' I thought as I pulled my self off the ground.

Who ever it was, they were strong, maybe even as strong as me. I want to fight them.

I decided to go up to the arena even though the bell hadn't sounded for my next fight.

-Time Skip brought to you by a lack of ideas-

I had reached the edge of the crowd surrounding the arena to see a tall man with a fox like grin standing over a... blonde haired child?

I held my head as a red overtook my vision.

I heard a child laughing as a woman spoke to it. She was telling a story in a language I couldn't understand.

It sounded old, and definitely older than me.

The red was replaced with white as the child -who looked a bit older now- was there again, giggling along with a tall male with white long hair. They were hiding from a man who was flying. A fairy?

I snapped away from my vision to focus on the battle. The fight seemed unfair, but I knew not to judge based solely on looks. I had made that mistake before.

The fox man lifted his fist in the air and punched downwards with all his might. It landed and a large cloud of dust exploded outwards from the centre of the arena, blocking all visibility.

The Fox man had been blown out of the arena and into the wall of the mountain behind. No one had noticed however, as there in the middle of the arena, stood the child. Uninjured.

Questions were thrown around about what just happened as the ref spoke.

"Look at that! Meliodaf is standing all alone in the ring! Where is Baaaan?"

"He's right over there." Pointed Meliodaf. The crowd turned their attention to the man in question, who was still embedded into the side of the mountain. Taking a closer look I saw that his body was covered in holes. Blood pouring from his head down onto his legs.

"This is incredible! It can only mean that..." The ref said in awe.

"That i'm the winner!" Meliodaf said cheerfully.

"Meliodaf moves to the next round!" Applause rang throughout the arena.

A singular thought went though my head as his hand was raised in the air in victory...

'I want to fight him'

-Time Skip brought by a sassy king-

The rubble had finally been cleaned up and the next fight could start.

After seeing her fight with the Holy Knight, I wanted to fight Matrona even more.

We both walked up onto the platform. Knowing that only one could leave the victor.

The bell sounded as the fight began.

Matrona started first. She launched forward, her fist raised up ready to land a blow.

I bent my legs and used my shadows to boost me over her head. As I came down, I kicked her back to throw her off balance and flipped away from her to the other side of the arena.

'I need to get past her to fight that Meliodaf kid. I've got to hurry this up, and from what I can tell she isn't using her full power. I'll have to draw it out of her.'

'The sun Is high in the sky now, the angle its at makes more shadows. I can use that to my advantage.'

The shadows from the people in the crowd start to move along the floor and connect to mine. I build them up around me.

"You're pulling you're punches." I said in a low tone, almost daring her to speak back. "I don't like being underestimated."

As the last word left my lips, my shadows bounded across the platform.

-No POV-

Diane jumped from one foot to the next, hopping across the platform in the hope of escaping the darkness that struck out at her like tendrils. The shadows trailed her every move and soon she had to pick up speed.

Diane realised that they weren't stopping anytime soon, she had to attack the source.

Cat was a strong opponent, no doubt about that. Maybe even at a Holy Knights Level. Diane had to stop her thoughts however because of the relentless attacks.

Diane's feet landed on the floor and, just before they were wrapped up by shadows, she leaped at her opponent. "I can't let you win!" She pulled back her fist and aimed at Akiko's head.

Before the hit could land, shadows shot out from Akiko's hood, curling round Diane's fist and stopping the blow.

"If you not going to get more creative with your attacks then this fight is a waist of time." sighing Akiko. She was getting quite board of trying to draw out her power and wanted to fight Meliodaf as soon as possible.

Using the tendril wrapped around Matrona's Hand, Akiko launched her side ways off the arena

-Akiko's POV-

"With that amazing display of power, Cat is on to the next round!" The referee announced. "I can't wait to see him in action again folks!"

I looked down at my new armour. God dammit!

My cloak only went down my back so you could see the leather underneath. The chest plate in particular, was as flat as a cutting bored. My legs and arms were rapped in blue cloth, but toned muscles could still be seen. Basically... I look like a boy.

Why does life treat me so unfairly. (sad timez)

-Mini Time Skip-

The next round started to take place on the platform. It's between an old man named Cain and Miliodaf.

'I don't want to go down the hill again, plus I want to see what the Blondie is capable of. I think i'll stay to watch.' I thought as I sat down at the edge of the arena to wait for my fight.

But while I was deciding on what to do, The match had already begun.

Cain was shooting a barrage of fire balls at Miliodaf, who wasn't dodging. Cain seemed mad and was yelling at Miliodaf. The Blond finally lifted his hand and dispelled a massive fire ball that had been thrown his way.

The two started to talk when Cain burst into tiers and hugged Miliodaf, They seemed to know each other. Maybe they were friends?

"Excuse me, what about the fight?" the ref asked, confused about the current situation.

Cain turned to look at him "I'll be for-fitting the match."

"What is this?! Cain just admitted his own defeat!" The referee stated, shocked. "The winner of this mach is Miliodaf!"

The crowed cheered as the bell rang to end the match. Cain waved to Miliodaf as he exited the arena.

The final match was starting

Cat VS. Miliodaf


Hello and thank you for reading the new chapter, and I hope you stay.

The next chapters will be their fight and a bit of the attack by the holy knights. I have stuff planed for that and I can't wait!

-Thank you again-

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