Chapter 9

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Thank god I don't have waste my energy on whatever that was about to be.

Considering Gowther was safe and the other sins only had to go against The Roars of Dawn...

To put it simply, I couldn't be bothered. All I really want to do right now is sleep, which was that task I was talking about.

Emerging from a bush the other side of the mountain, I stood up and started to walk around. Leaves squished underneath my feet as I trudged along. Mud coated the bottom of my boots, water seeping into the soles through tears and holes that were littered arose the worn leather.

Ugh! Why don't any shoes I own last long?

My feet were starting to feel the effects of the damp as the cold started to spread up my legs. Kind of like pins and needles. It wasn't helping that the rain had started to poor down onto my already soaked cloak, which had been placed back on top of my head.

I walked quicker.

Soon, after wondering around for a while, I stumbled into a glade. Grass covered patches of the earth as large stones circled the field along with thick green bushes and trees.

There, at the opposite end of the clearing, was a tavern.

Its large mustered yellow roof towered over the top of the small trees in a spire, with ledges and windows jutting out at each side. The white walls were sitting atop a circular wooden porch. Next to the green door was a sign.

It read 'The Boar Hat' with a picture of a pig sitting atop it.

Finally, I can get out of this rain.

Going round to the side where the window was on the roof, I climbed up.

After slipping around on the tiles and barely staying on the roof I got to the window and pried it open.

Carefully slipping into the room I went over to the green door to make sure it was closed.

It was.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I look around.

The room was the shape of a semi-circle. Orange and red checkers tiles layered the floor, with wooden green logs along the walls and ceiling.

The bed was near the center of the room and a brown cupboard lay against the left wall.

Candles and mugs were on the shelf along with a fancy bottle of alcohol. This was probably Meli's room, i'm sure he won't mind me using it.

I peel off my cloak and place it on the floor to dry next to my gauntlets (I left on the bandages) and my boots -you could call them rags at this point because they were so worn down- and make my way towards the bed.

Flopping onto my stomach, I soon find my self fast asleep and by the time I open my eyes again, the sun beamed into the room.

The gray clouds had gone, leaving a bright blue sky in its place.

I slowly get up.

Ughhh, now I got to go and find the captain and the others. I'm sure they're not too far.

I sway over to the window rubbing my eyes and look out.






I blink, and rub my eyes again. Surly I was seeing things.

Nope, still there.

Well at least that clears up how I'm going to find them.

In the field that was described earlier where 1, 2... 5! of the Eight Deadly Sins. Now including me there are 6. Merlin and Escanor don't look like they're here, although the could be near by.

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