Chapter 2

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-Akiko's POV-

The first match up was a girl named Matrona vs. A buff man called Griamore. Personally, i'm rooting for Matrona to win. To show that strength isn't just mussel. I saw her during the elimination round. One of her punches sent around 6 men out of the arena.

They both walk onto the platform.

"Oopsie! Miss, the hat is fine, but pleas remove your cloak. Can't have you hiding any weapons!" The referee asks Matrona.

Matrona then unbuckles and flings her cloak up into the air. She was wearing a revealing uniform that had a pink frilly top, black short skirt, one long sock, two white slip on shoes with a deep purple bow tied around her neck. All the men started to yell and holler at her.

Matrona then kicked off the match with a barrage of punches. The referee commentating on all the action.

But even though she got the first hit, Griamore activated hit magic power: Wall. Matrona stopped punching and jumped back as a purple/blue bubble encased Griamore. The wall grew and grew till it almost pushed Matrona out of the arena. She was pushing against it, digging her feet into the stone.

Griamore then started to taunt Matrona.

But before I could hear what he said, a voice diverted my attention from the fight.

"Get your ale here, only one silver coin a mug!" a medium size, pink pig called out. A barrel of ale strapped to its back. I crouched down next to the strange animal.

"Is it Vanya ale?" I asked. Vanya ale is the good stuff. Mmmm... I can already taste it. The warm brothy drink flowing down my throat, but to my disappointment it wasn't.

"No sorry, but its still pretty good! After the fights, if you still wants some, you should come down to the Boar Hat! It's a tavern at the edge of the forest." The pink pig exclaimed "We have fresh stock of food as well, cooked by our amazing chef!"

"Well then, when you put it that way. I might come down after the festival if I still need a drink." I replied, pulling out a silver coin and getting a mug of ale.

"THAT'S NOT GUNNA HAPEN!" Yelled Matrona. My attention pulled back to the fight.

She pulled back her fist and punched down onto the wall. It shattered from the impact, allowing Matrona to run at Griamore. Uppercutting his jaw. Sending him flying out of the arena.

Matrona landed, her hat now lying on the floor, long brown hair flowing in the breeze as she held up her fist. The crowd cheering at the victory.

"Griamore has left the ring! Therefore, the winner is Matrona!" The referee announced. Matrona then bounced out of the arena.

I held my head with my free hand as a memory relapsed in my head. I could see every thing around me, feeling a light breeze from where I was standing on a giant pair of hands. The view was beautiful.

My vision then went back to normal. I really had to get something for these head aches that these memory's were giving me. I cleared my mind because my fight was up next. Downing the tankard, I placed it on the floor and walked to the stage.

-Mini Time Skip brought to you by Akiko's head aches-

Ban walked into the small hut next to the arena to find King on the floor surrounded by blood. Meliodas walks up to him with his hand in his pockets.

"So, how's the match been going?" the Captain asks.

"Not much to say, that Holy Knight is just being taunted by the dude. There is no way he can win" Ban answered in a bored tone.

-Akiko's POV-

Dodging and weaving in between his attacks, I flipped over him. Pushing his back when I landed. He turned around in an attempted to hit me with his tornado covered fist but I was already at the other end of the arena.

"Just give up already, your not going to win." I said, teasing him.

"No, this is the only time my job will allow me to take part this year. I'm not giving up!"

'Welp, his spirit is too hard to crush. I'll have to do this the old-fashioned way.' I thought as I made his shadow pull him off his feet and out of the arena. Making him look like he tripped over backwards.

"The winner by default is, Cat!" The referee announced the pretty original name as I stood tall with my hood still placed over my head.

I walked out of the arena as the next mach was announced. Grabbing my bag from the floor in the corner where I had placed it. I walked down to the hill.

I didn't have to fight until the bell went off for round two. So until then, I'll sleep on the hill. To conserve my energy of course.

I lay down and close my eyes, my consciousness slipping into darkness. Knowing that my shadows will protect me.


I know it a short chapter but I just wanted to finish off the episode. The next chapter/s will be about the finishing fights of the festival and the attack from the holy nights. Hoped you enjoyed the new chapter!!!

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