Chapter 12

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Meliodas walks up to Hendrickson.

"Its been a long time, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins." the Grand Master said, looking down at Meliodas. He turned to me "and you, Akiko the Cat Sin. Are you two alone right now?"

"Yeah. I seem to have lost the others somewhere along the way." The Captain replied.

"You think you can face me without them? Still confident as ever."

Imma beat his ass

Turning round to Arthur, I offer my hand to him. "Thank you." He said as I pulled him up to his feet. "I'm Arthur Pendra-"

"I know who you are, I sure hope I would remember your name kid. Otherwise I would brake my promise, right?" I interrupt, grinning at him.

Arthur looks at me in confusion but his thought were stopped when we turned around just in time to see Hendrickson launch Meliodas towards us.

Thunder rumbles in the sky. I look up towards the noise. "Storm clouds?"

A dark cloud had appeared from out of nowhere. Blue lightning suddenly came streaking down to the ground, right towards Meliodas. Gilthunder's sword crashed down on the Captains. The holy knight then started a flurry of attacks.

That's fine. Not like I wanted to fight or anything.

Gilthunder had then round house kicked Meliodas into the sky. Sighing I use my shadows to grab Arthur and yeet him up into the sky so he can catch the Captain.

"Thank you Ko!" Meliodas yelled as they both fell down and landed a couple of meters away from where I was standing. To be fair I hadn't even moved in the first place.

"You mind lending us a hand a for a little wile longer?" He asked Arthur.

"Sure! Its my pleasure! By the way, my name is Arthur Pendragon." He introduced himself again. "With a reputation like yours I have known about you for years."

"Cool, but maybe we should chat after this."


Then why are they even talking in the first place? I'm so confused right now, I don't even know what I'm confused about. I'm that confused.

Looking up I see Meliodas and Gilthunder doing a tango with their arms. Electricity was flying in all directions.

"The speed of their strikes is unbelievable! Not only that, but neither is going all-out!"

"You better start believing kid because as you can see... well technically you cant see their arms, but you get the po-"

"We have some unfinished business. Right, King Arthur?" Hendrickson interrupted me as he appeared behind us. I glared at him.

This lil bish boutta get his ass wooped

However, before I could say my piece, they jumped at each other.

TwT Nobody wants to fight me! Am i doing something wrong?

My senses started to tingling all over like pins and needles. Looking up I see Meliodas with his demon markings covering his fingers, stopping Gilthunder's sword. My senses telling me to be on guard.

"Its their demonic power emerging." Hendrickson elbowed Arthur in the chest, sending his back.


I realized my powers were reacting with Meliodas. Dark purple markings covered my body and the demon clan mark had appeared on my forehead. I could feel the power in me, even in the middle of the day when my powers are at its weakest.

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