Chapter 4

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It was time for the final match of the Vaizel Fighting festival.

Meliodaf vs. Cat

The crowd cheered as the last competitors entered the arena. People placed bets on who the winning side would be, yelling at them to win. There was an even divide between the two sides.

Meliodaf's friends- Matrona, Baaan, Old Fart and the pink sales pig -Stood at the middle edge of the platform. Cheering in his favour.

Akiko however didn't have any close supporters like this, no friends that came to cheer her. They left her. Captured, killed or on the run from the Holy Knights.

While she missed them, she knew she couldn't return to the old days. The fun that they all had together. It was a time that could never return. At least...not for now.

"Over here Meliodaf~"

A flock of very badly dressed women called out to him. There was a tall one in a deep purple dress. A short one with a short yellow dress that hugged her curvy figure. And a third one withe a pink dress that showed off her cleavage. All withe different styles of brown hair and overly slutty makeup.

So basically, prostitutes.

Now, Akiko had nothing against prostitutes. She respected what they did and realised that some people found it hard to make money and support themselves. People did what they needed to to survive.

No, thats not what made her mad.

What made her mad was the fact that Meliodaf's attention was on the women. His gaze unmoving.

(Akiko later realised that the look on his face was one of confusion, but in the present day her quick temper made her jump the gun)

-Akiko's POV-

This is a fighting festival. Not some place for a horny teen to get women.

I leaped forward towards my opponent, upper cutting him in the chest. He was flung into the air as I jumped up and slammed him down with both of my fists.

"You filthy womaniser!" I screamed at him, as he landed imbedded in the stone floor of the arena.

I borrowed that sentence from Diane when she and the captain would fight. She had a big crush on him and probably wanted him to tell her the things he said instead of all the other women. I knew that he didn't like them, there was only one special person for him.

I felt bad for him, having to go through that. Her death was alway looming over the horizon every time they reunited. It was one of the reasons I was friends with him.

Diane on the other hand. I totally wanted her to be with King. He loved her and really cared for her. They were a mach made in heaven. Ban and I would always tease him about it.

While I had been reminiscing in my mind, Meliodaf had got up of the floor. I punched down again.

"W-Wait! This is a misunderstanding. I don't know those girls at all!" He quickly spat out, stopping me in my tracks.

My mind clouded over as I saw a boy with blonde hair reaching his hand out to a child covered in soot, their arms scarred and burnt, blood dripping down them. Shaking my head, I focused on the match.

"Stop talking and fight back!" I replied, swiping my leg under him to knock him off balance. I had waited too long to fight him, I wasn't going to waist time.

Meliodaf dodged over my sweep, and hopped back.

"This might get ugly if I don't fight for real!"

FINALLY, it only took fighting 2 two people in this festival for someone to take me seriously. I called of my shadows to not protect me, wanting the fight to be fair.

We went back and forth, attacking then blocking. Each hit weakening the arena. Both of us using our strength to overtake the other.

"Hey, can the ring take all this?" One guy yelled as the crowd cheered in both are favours.

I punched and he blocked by punching my fist. He went to attack as I pushed his arm up with mine, then hooking my arm around his wrist. Meliodaf then punched with his free hand and I caught it in mine.

With both his arms trapped I pulled him forward and hit his stomach with my knee.

In retaliation he freed the arm that I had trapped and punched down on my head. Causing me to let go. I sprang back up and made my shadows wrap around my arm. I then punched him as he blocked with his arm. My shadows then engulfed his arm, attaching it to mine. He wasn't going to slip out again.

A spark then went through my brain, like crackling electricity. It was my barrier.

If your confused, allow me to explain. You see, my shadows have numerous abilities. One of these is to detect what comes in to contact with them, analyse the level of power they/it has and come up with a strategy to defeat them/it while protecting me.

I set up this barrier every where I go to know if Holy Knights are coming towards me. Its how I haven't been caught yet. That electricity right now was my shadows telling me who had entered my barrier.

They were travelling at high speed and would reach this town in around one minute.

Holy Knights, and quite a few at that.

I had to get out of here. Meliodaf and his friend had just realised that they were coming too. If there smart they would run.

Releasing his arm from my hold, I did a group of flips and landed near my bag. Flinging it over my shoulder, I ran and leaped over the edge of the arena.

The last thing I saw was Meliodaf and his friends on the arena looking at the direction of the knights.

I landed and took off running.

"Dammit!" The're already here.

Large balls of fire rained down on Vaizel. Setting houses on the hill side on fire, smoke rising into the once clear sky.

I wasn't going to get caught, not now.

Not ever.


Hope you like the new chapter!

The next chapter will be the attack on Visal and part of Akiko's past!

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