more than the last four words

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" I'm pregnant."

Lorelai stood there shocked before saying...

"Are you sure?" Lorelai said, still trying to comprehend how her perfect Rory could do something as dumb as this.

"Well, unless 4 pregnancy tests lie, then yeah... I'm sure." Rory said, starting to play with her bracelet as a sign of stress.

"It's Logan's, isn't it?" Lorelai asked, knowing the way Logan and her daughters relationship had worked.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if I am going to tell him." Rory said, starting to look down at her stomach. Imagining the baby, that was being grown inside of her.

"Oh." This was all Lorelai seemed to be able to say, luckily only a couple of moments passed before Jess had interrupted their awkwardness.

"Uhhh Babette and Miss Patty said there ready for you, to help with the hair and stuff." Jess said, before starting to walk away.

Lorelai gave her daughter a kiss before running to the dance studio to get ready.

"Hey, Rory, you okay?" Jess asked, suddenly noticing the signs of stress in Rory.

"Yes.No. I don't know." Rory said, frustrated.

"Hey, come with me." Jess said, grabbing Rory's hand.

The wedding wasn't for another hour, so they ran to the only place in Stars Hallow, Jess could stand for a long period of time. The lake was beautiful that afternoon, it had a certain shimmer to the air as the two old flames sat there on the edge, looking over the water.

"Jess..." Rory started.

"You don't have to say anything. You can just sit here for as long as you want." Jess said giving her an assuring smile.

"Thanks." Rory said, feeling more relaxed than she had in the past 6 weeks.

They seemed to sit there forever before Jess finally couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Oh I got you something, for finishing the first three chapters of your book." Jess said, pulling out a sterling silver locket from his back pocket.

"Jess, It's beautiful. But I can't except this, it must have been expensive." Rory said looking at the little heart locket.

"No, I had Liz make it when I found out, and keep it, it won't look as beautiful on anyone else."

Rory smiled, she grabbed Jess's hand as they walked back to the gazebo.

The Wedding was beautiful, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. The bride and grooms montages were the funniest parts, especially Luke's face when he heard Karma Chameleon. The vows were short so the wedding seemed to fly by before the food came. Dancing and fun seemed to be making everyone happy, except Rory. She quietly sat there thinking about if she should tell Logan and how to handle her life because she was no longer in charge of only herself.

"You want to dance?" Jess asked, whispering into Rory's ear.

"I thought you didn't dance, that's what you told Liz and April."

"Well, what is much." Jess said.

Rory brightened up like a light bulb hearing those words. She remembered the night on the sidewalk with Jess. He quickly led her to the dance floor, dancing until their legs seemed to die. Rory got tired quickly and started to fall asleep, the next thing she knew, she was in Jess's bed.

"Where am I?" She said drowsily.

"You think you would recognize the upstairs of Luke's." Jess said, turning around with two cups of coffee.

"Here you go." He added, handing her the cup of coffee.

"No Thanks." Rory said, knowing what coffee could do to a baby's health.

"Ok, I know I said you didn't have to say anything, but what's going on. First, you don't dance or like your happy last night until we danced and now you don't want coffee?" Jess said, trying to comfort a very confused Rory.

"Jess, i'll tell you everything but I need to make a call first."

Rory quickly picked up her cell phone and dialed the number. Three rings occurred before voicemail came on.

This is Logan, you know what to do... *beep

"Hey Logan, it's Rory. I need to talk to you one more time, so meet me at the yale Coffee Cart tomorrow at noon. Bye."

**Dear readers, as some of you know I'm currently writing another story called what if she said yes?, so I will try to equally update both of them, thank you for reading. I know this was shortish but I just wanted to get a base for the storyline.

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