He's my son too!

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Jess and Matthew's ride to Stars Hallow was quieter and more uncomfortable than a horror movie. Jess tried making conversation, but instead just turned on music. When they got to Stars Hallow, Matthew was already asleep. Jess agreed to meet Shane at Luke's after she found out about Matt contacting him, so to Luke's they went. When they got there, Shane sat at a table, seeming to not change that much. Her hair was still short, and she was still thin, Her clothes were a lot more casual now, but that just came with Growing up ( usually), Matthew went to sit down before suddenly being sent upstairs by Shane.

"What was that for?" Jess asked, sitting down.

"He doesn't need to be here." Shane said, taking a sip of soda.

"Why? Doesn't he have that right?" Jess asked, annoyed.

"He has whatever rights, I say he has. Why do you even care? Or better question. Why did you come and meet him?" Shane said, obviously, upset.

" Because... I got a letter from a son that I didn't know existed! And I thought about the mature thing to do, and didn't want to be my dad!" Jess said, mad.

"Jess, I had no clue what happened to you! The last thing I knew you were going out with a girl who just got broken up with BECAUSE of YOU! You didn't always go to school, you left when you got in a car accident, and honestly you were a mess, and so was I, but I HAD TO GROW UP! You didn't, and a I didn't think you ever would. So I raised Matthew on my own, because he's my SON!" Shane said, angry, and frustrated.

"HE'S MY SON TOO!" Jess yelled, everyone now staring.

"No, he's not. He may have come because of you, but you are no father. You weren't there!" 

"and who's fault, is that?" Jess asked, upset.

Suddenly the realization of everything, hit Jess. Then there was a scream, following with Rory in an oversized shirt, which was also followed by another scream when she noticed the diner was open.

"JESS!" Rory said, holding out a finger for him to come over.

"What's wrong?" He asked, suddenly noticing Rory's clothing, or lack there of.

"A kid just went up there and saw he practically naked in bed, then I come down here and EVERYONE in Conneticut seems to be here." Rory yelled, embarrassed.

"That kid, it's Matthew." He said, kinda embarrassed, but also laughing a little.

"What's funny?" Rory asked, angry.

"Rory, calm down. Did he actually see you ummm... you know?" Jess asked, awkwardly.

"I guess not, I had a blanket on." Rory said, starting to calm down.

"OK, I'm sorry, I thought you were gone for work, and Shane sent him up there. Secondly, people were going to figure out eventually anyway." Jess said, giving Rory a kiss.

"Shane's here?" Rory asked, concerned.

"Yes, and it would be great for you to talk to her and Matthew, but may I suggest pants, please." Jess said, looking down at Rory's leg.

"Oh, sure. I'll be right back." She said, running up the steps.

Suddenly Matthew came down, looking terrified. He stopped at Jess, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Uhhhh... Mr. Mariano, I mean... Jess." He said, scared.

"Kid, you're okay. Now, if you could do me a favor and not tell your mom, that would be great." Jess said, practically all begging.

"Yeah, sure." He said, still uncomfortable.

Rory came down, soon after. Jess suddenly noticing, that Rory was starting to show. She smiled, and they started to walk over to Shane and Matt.

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