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"It's all over." Luke said, hugging Lorelai and Lily.

"Yeah, are you sure you're okay?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, this place gave me everything I wanted, and more." He said, kissing Lorelai on the head.

"Luke, I can't do this!" Rory said, starting to cry a little.

"Yes, you can, you're just sensitive." Luke said, giving rory a side hug.

"Will you do the honors?" Luke said, handing Jess a giant hammer.

He took the hammer, and smashed the counter. The handed it back to Luke.

"Here, you finish up, and then we can hold hands and skip afterwards!" Jess said, laughing.

* One month later

" LUKE, Where are you??" Lorelai yelled from upstairs.

"Coming, I just was finishing up with Lily." Luke said, setting lily in a chair before putting some chicken nuggets in front of her.

"Rory just texted me, It's done!" Lorelai said, hugging her husband.

"We should get right down there!" Luke said, putting his blue baseball cap on before picking Lily up and putting her new blue coat on.

"H-Hat" She said, trying to grab the hat off Luke's head.

"Here kiddo!" Luke said, placing his hat on Lily's head before finally walking out the door with Lorelai.

Lorelai went onto the passenger side of her jeep, slightly upset that her stomach stopped her from driving. Luke quickly buckling Lily in, gave her a kiss on the forehead before jumping into the seat and driving down to what used to be the diner. When they got to the diner it still had both signs, 'Andew's hardware' stood at the front, and the side still had a coffee cup saying 'Luke's' on it. The inside was completely different though, all the tables switched with desks and things, Luke had no clue what to say, many people neither Lorelai nor luke knew went back and forth in the publishing house, coffee still scented the air though, some of it from the diner, but also rory's small cup laying on the side with a candle that was supposed to help her with her craving of more and more coffee. Rory was eating an apple while she worked, her fingers going about 300 miles an hour as she wrote words down in a spur, stoping every couple minutes when the baby would kick. Her chair was now a yoga ball, saying it helped with the baby and the comparability. When the door closed, Jess came through.

"Uncle Luke, Lorelai!" He said, giving them both hugs.

"Hey, jess, we just got you call, this place looks great!" Lorelai said.

"How does lily like it?" Jess asked, looking at the little girl in Luke's baseball cap.

She started jumping, latching onto Jess's leg before finally letting go.

"I have a surprise for you, Mr. Danes." Jess said, looking at Luke.

"What surprise?"

"Well, two actually! I wanna come show you the first one!" He said, going past what used to be the counter and up the stairs.

Andrew Dane's office, Luke Dane's old apartment, had now been transferred into a beautiful nursery, two cribs, along with mountains and mountains of toys were stacked around the room. Everything looked so beautiful.

"What is with two of everything?" Luke said.

"Well, I know Mom's busy with the dragonfly, and we wouldn't expect her to take Andrew to the Inn, and you'll be pretty busy flipping burgers and giving out coffee that we couldn't even think of you having to watch both Lily AND Andrew while you worked, so we thought a space for all three would be great!"  Rory said, hugging her mother and stepdad as she walked in.

"Why would I be flipping burgers!" 

"Patience is a virtue uncle Luke, you should come see though, it took hours!" Jess said, mockingly rolling his eyes before having them follow through the mysterious door.

"Open it!" Rory practically squealed.

"But this is Taylor's, his soda shoppe is here." Luke said, hesitant.

"That's where you're wrong, this WAS Taylor's soda shoppe, but we might have done a gift on a gift." Jess said, opening the door and turning the light on.

All of a sudden, everything that used to cover Luke's diner was replaced and put back in the same spot in Taylor's soda shoppe.

"Sorry Luke, I already promised everyone I wouldn't destroy Stars hallow. Well, We couldn't think of a worse thing to do than get rid of everyone's favorite diner."

"I mean they're true, how was I supposed to get my amazing coffee every day!" Lorelai said, kissing her husband.

"But I could make you coffee anyway?" Luke said, looking at Lorelai confused.

"It's not the same."

"Jess, you didn't have to do this, I told you it was yours." Luke said, small tears coming.

"I know, but what if my guys need a burger!' Jess said, laughing.

"Whatever kid!" Luke said, messing up Jess's hair.

"Hey, this took two hours to do!" Jess said, trying to fix his hair.

"He never broke that habit?" Luke whispered to Rory.

"Not even close." She said, laughing.

Jess was walking back when he grabbed Lily and placed her on a foam carpet in front of the TV, while turning on a show.

"NO!" Lily said, throwing a stuffed animal cow at the TV.

"Lily, what have we talked  about?" Lorelai said, looking at her daughter.

"STARS! I wanna watch the star tree" She said.

"Star treec" She said.

"Star what?" Jess said, looking confused.

"She wants to watch star trek, I showed it to her last week, and she's obsessed!" Luke said, changing the channel to star trek.

"Hey, you guys wanna play Bagel hockey?" Lorelai said.

"YES!" They all said, grabbing a bagel before starting to play.

They laughed for hours before finally going back down to work, leaving Lily to play with her toys.


"And done!" Rory said.

"With how much.

"6 chapters!" She said, kissing Jess.

"So.... everyone else is gone, and we're done with work... What do you wanna do?" Jess asked.

"Hmmmmm, IDK, what would you like to do?" Rory asked.

"Well, we probably should start looking for an actual apartment! I made a list!" Jess said, pulling a notepad out of his pocket.

"Gosh, that's so hot!" Rory said.

"Well, wanna go see some, I looked up some, and they have three bedrooms, two baths, and an office space just in case you wanted to work while you were at home." Jess said.

"I love you so much!" Rory said, kissing Jess.

"I know you do, and I love you too, which is why I know some day im going to marry you." Jess said, grabbing rory and pulling her into a giant kiss before letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"Are you proposing to me?" Rory asked.

"No, a Gilmore deserves a better proposal than that, trust me, you'll know when I ask you."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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