What happens in Vegas, Can't always stay in Vegas

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Dear readers, before I start this chapter I want to inform you that I know about the second season to the revival, that is supposed to come out sometime in November, although I'm excited and know this story will probably not be any bit accurate to the second season, I'm going to continue to write it, so I hope you will continue to enjoy it.

Rory was commonly scared of what was to happen in the future, but this time was different. This time, there was no correct answer or study packet. Lorelai wanted to be helpful but although they were both pregnant and not married (Obviously at two different times), Lorelai had a constant boyfriend, someone mature and ready for what ever happened when you become a dad at 16. Yes, I guess at 32 you would believe that Logan was ready to be a dad as well, but she promised herself that breaking up another marriage was out of the question. Jess once asked what Rory would want Logan to say, she honestly had no idea. As she approached the coffee cart she saw a face that would forever be in printed into her memory, and with that she remembered the exact moment that she met Logan right down to the trashy comment he had said to Marty.

"Ace, over here." Logan said, pushing a coffee towards Rory.

"No, thank you." Rory had said, letting it sit until it got cold on the counter of the cart.

Both of them walked until finally reaching a small table. Logan seemed to look happy, at that moment he had no clue at what Rory was about to say.

"Logan-," Rory started.

"Ace? What's wrong, you're starting to shake."Logan said, grabbing Rory's hand before she quickly pulled away putting both hands in the pockets of her coat.

"Logan, I-I-I'm pregnant, and it's yours." Rory said starting to completely lose it.

Logan stood there in shock, He was supposed to get married a week from Saturday, Rory was supposed to leave or go to Maine. This wasn't the plan. He loved Rory and when she said goodbye, not only in new Hampshire, but on the very grounds of Yale, years ago, Logan was destroyed. He had thought that this call was his third and final chance, and to him it still was.

"Ace, Marry me." He said, getting down on one knee.

"Logan, I can't." Rory said

Logan was taken back.

"Why? this is what we do. It's over with Odette. Is it my parents? because they can be gone too. Don't you see Rory, this is a sign, we're ready, we can move to California and have the family, and the careers, and the avocado tree." Logan said, practically pleading with Rory.

"Logan, I'm not breaking up you and Odette, I have a plan. I want to raise this kid like I was raised, my mom did everything she possibly could for me, and I want that kind of relationship with our son or daughter. I didn't come here to debate, I came to ask how much do you want to be in this baby's life. I promise you Logan, you will be allowed to see this kid as much as you want, but I need to raise this kid, and except the responsibility. Now, What's it going to be?" By the end of this sentence Rory was about to explode, but she wasn't sure if it was from anger or sadness.

"Ace, I'm sorry, but I can't go and see you all the time, or this reminder of you. I'll send checks that should make up for child support. Goodbye, Rory." Logan said starting to walk away.

As Logan left, it seemed as though Rory's legs were made of Jello. It wasn't the fact that left that hurt, only the idea of explaining to this kid one day, the fact that their father had walked away.  After about an hour, Rory was able to walk away, she went back to Stars Hallow, as she pulled up next to the gazebo, her phone went off.

TXT FROM LORELAI: Hey kid, hope everything went they way you wanted, Luke and I left this morning about an hour after you. The key is under the turtle if you want, or Luke said you could sleep in the office upstairs to the diner if you wanted, because Lily's stuff will start arriving tomorrow, Love you. MOM.

TXT FROM RORY: Hey mom, things did not go great, i'll be fine though. I guess I'll stay at Luke's so I'm not in the way of the movers. Love you, RORY.


As Rory pulled her car over she started to head upstairs, Ceaser gave her a key to the apartment before getting back to his job, as she headed up the stairs, she thought about what the world would be like with a new person in the world. She ultimately decided she needed to talk to Taylor tomorrow about getting a raise. Opening the door, Rory was shocked to see jess lay there, on the couch, reading yet another book.

"Jess? Weren't you supposed to leave like 4 hours ago?" Rory said.

"I did. but then I realized I had a better opportunity here." He said getting up from the couch.

"What opportunity?" Rory asked.

"Rory, what happened?" Jess asked, seeing the still slightly glum face of Rory.

"He left." She said.

"Well, that was his decision, now, here's mine." Jess said grabbing Rory. He kissed her, he wasn't sure if once again she was going to leave, but At that moment he knew that Logan was really as stupid as Jess has always thought. Because how could you give up on something as beautiful as Rory.

"Jess..." Rory said, pulling away.

"Rory, I want to help you raise your kid, I want to be a part of both of your lives. Rory, I'll wait, no matter how long it takes, because I know this is right. I waited for you to realize and it took all this time but your ready, and I'm ready. We're ready for this, and Yes, I understand I have said this before, but I mean it. I'm not leaving you again, I'm not letting you be the girl who got away." Jess said.

Rory then kissed Jess. She believed him, everything that Jess said at that moment was true. She had waited on her happily ever after, and she knew now that Jess was it. He had loved her and she had loved him since that kiss at Sookie's wedding. Jess was the only thing that she knew was right at this moment. Jess looked into Rory's eyes one last time before he said...

"This thing were doing here, You and me, I'm in, I am all in." 

"Ok, Dodger."

They kissed once more, and then suddenly Jess pulled away.

"Jess, what?" Rory asked.

"Turn around." He said.

and surely, as Rory turned around, did she understand. Sitting there in the doorway was Logan.

"hey Ace, we need to talk." Logan said, slight anger in his voice.

"We already talked." Rory said.

"Come on Rory, give the jerk five minutes. I'm ok." Jess said.

"Are you sure?" Rory asked.

"Yeah." Jess assured, kissing her on the forehead.

"You get 5 minutes." She said turning around and stomping out the door.

Hey guys-I know this chapters ending is actually really bad, but I wanted it to end with someone seeing them, and the only person it seemed I could write about was Logan, so sorry if this reads really bad.

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