Suprise on multiple accounts

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"Logan? I should have known it had something to do with that blond dick." Jess said, opening the bathroom door.

"Jess, you were listening?" Rory said, starting to feel embarrassed that Jess found out this way.

"I thought you were hurt or sick, so I stayed close enough to the door for your safety. Wait, wait, you can't turn this on me. You said we would talk, so let's talk." Jess said leading Rory back to the small table in the kitchen.

"Jess... I'm pregnant-" Rory started before being cut off by Jess.

"Rory..." Jess said shocked.

"Jess, please just let me finish." 


"I'm pregnant, it's Logan's. We've been having an affair for a while now. I think I'm about 6 weeks in, I ended it with him. The last time I saw him was because of the Life and Death brigade reunion, we had sex and he offered me a house in Maine. I said No. The only other person that knows is my Mom, I told her before the wedding. I'm Sorry. I made a mistake a long time ago with Dean, and I told myself that I wouldn't do it again, but I did. I'm leaving tomorrow to Yale to tell Logan, and see what he says. But I will tell you this, I'm not breaking up another marriage. which is why I'm doing what my mother did with me. I will give Logan a door into He/she's life, and it is up to him when he wants to use it." Rory said, starting to cry but also realizing as she said these words that the future seemed clearer.

"Wow." This was all Jess could think of to say, He didn't realize how much baggage a Gilmore could have. 

Luke once said that with a girl like Rory, her mother and the rest of her family and Stars Hallow came with it. But a kid? Jess knew he lied to Luke only days ago, when he told him that he was over Rory, that he loved her. He had tried other relationships but no one could match up to the love he felt for Rory.

"I'm sorry, Jess." Rory said starting to grab her stuff to leave.

"Rory." Jess yelled.

"What?" she asked looking down at her feet.

"Don't I get a chance to speak." Jess said, looking down at Rory.

"I guess."

He led Rory back to the table.

"Rory, I know you have a lot of problems and stress right now, but you have to understand that I have grown up, and that I am here. I will help you raise he or she, and so will the rest of this crazy town. You have a giant family to back you up, and I understand that you need to pay attention to the baby your going to have, but I love you. My enjoyment of seeing Logan is smaller than a grain of salt, but I understand you needing to tell him. I wouldn't want your kid to have the same awkward situation that Uncle Luke and April have. I will support you in anything you do, because I'll repeat this over and over again. I'm not running away anymore, because I found a reason to stay. You."

Rory hadn't felt this feeling in a really long time. Comfort. She thought being with Logan was comfort, but standing there looking into Jess's eyes, she finally understood real, true, comfort. She sat up from her chair grabbed his hand. and looked into his eyes.

"I love you, too."

Jess grabbed Rory and kissed her, he waited so long to do this again. He never loved anyone but Rory. He wanted the moment to last forever, but the moment of a lifetime was stopped by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Jess asked, annoyed at the interruption.


"Come in." Rory said, pushing a distance between herself and Jess.

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